Chapter Twenty-Three

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“Okay girls. Let’s try this one last time! The pep rally is tomorrow. We need to fix all mistakes TODAY!” Ms. Simpson yelled at us for like the twentieth time today!

Groans came from all the girls.

Okay maybe the moves I chose was a little bit intense, especially in the sequence I put them in. I needed everyone to realize that I’M captain now and I like everything to be perfect, and I’m not going to choose easy routines to have perfection. We need to learn how to master difficult choreography.

And maybe I wanted to impress Zak. He still thinks we haven’t decided on the captain yet. I hate lying to him, but I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out that I was picked.

Ahh, Zak. We’ve had a carefree two weeks.

‘Thank God’

I felt like it was one thing after another there for a while. But now it’s just me and him, with Cara and Greg interrupting occasionally. Still gotta love them right?

They’ve gotten a lot closer over the past couple of weeks also. I can tell Cara is slowly becoming interested. I’ve had a talk with Greg and of course he liked her from day one. I told him that he needed to take it slow, I still need to make sure she’s healed enough from Andrew.

Speaking of Andrew, I haven’t seen him…ANYWHERE.

“Okay Annie, you and your co-captains need to practice the first routine.”

“Yes Ma’am”

We took our spots and the music flooded the gym.

Everyone loved the routine me, Cara and Shelly came up with. It’s just a little mini dance to Cassie’s ‘Me and You.’

It’s going on 5:30 and we are still in the gym killing ourselves to make sure it’s exactly the way it needs to be. If she doesn’t let us go soon, I won’t have anything let in me for tomorrow!

“Damn Annie, I didn’t think it would be this hard for everyone to grasp.” Cara said as we were walking to get water.

“They’re just not used to this. Hopefully they’ll get it before we end up spending the night here!”

“OH! Don’t forget, girls night. NO GUYS this time Annie! I know how Mr. S gets ‘bored’ or ‘locked out of his own gosh dang house’ or some other bullshit reason he comes up with, but NOT TONIGHT!”

“Okay, okay. But you are the bad guy if he tries to come over! Which he will; I’ve already told him and he got all grumpy. He’s just too cute for me to resist!”

“Eww, okay. Leave it to me; he won’t get past the door!”

-After practice-

I was getting out all the necessary items for a proper girl night.

Ice cream-check


Urgh, I hate when she’s early.

I jerked the door opened to find Zak smirking, leaning on the door frame with both hands.

“Oh, No!” I started to back away

He ran in, not past me, but straight for me. He scooped me up into his arms and I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist to keep from falling.

He carried me over to the sofa, sitting down in which now I was straddling him. Before I could protest, he crashed his soft lips onto mine.

Okay, so I can’t help it. I kissed back of course!

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