Chapter Thirteen (Part two)

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“Well that was strange. That’s all I have to say.” Cara turned to face me. I had no idea what just happened. I hurt him. How in the hell could I be THAT stupid? I wanted nothing more than to find him and hug him but I’m not sure that would go over to well considering he’s my teacher and we are on a school trip.

I kept glancing behind me, hoping he would emerge from the restrooms soon.

‘Come on, come on’ My hands were shaking with fear and nerves. I’m about to finally let him here the song I’ve been wanting to sing to him since that night he was over at my place.

Someone caught my attention as he walked out of the restroom and my heart raced full speed.

Great, it was only Carver.

He seems mighty happy.

Zak’s POV

I couldn’t look at her right now. I needed to clear my head. I saw Carver kiss her last night, but that was different. She didn’t like it, it was written all over her face. But tonight when she closed her eyes as he was kissing her neck, something in me snapped. I didn’t want that dirty boy anywhere near my Annie. I blame myself though, I should’ve held onto her.

That song I just performed wasn’t the one I intended to sing to her. I had everything planned out. I had the perfect song, but that sorry excuse for a boy messed my head up.

I leaned against the restroom wall, my hands covering my face when I heard the door open.

Speak of the devil. Carver came in with a grin that said it all. I wanted to beat him to a pulp right here.

“You okay Mr. S?” He washed his hands and looked at me in the mirror.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said through my teeth. One move and this boy will get my fist in his face.

“So you’re what? 23-24? I have a personal question to ask you.” Carver wiped his hands on a paper towel and turned his body towards me.

“What would that be?”

“You know Annie right? I was wondering if you think she’s easy?” I stepped away from the wall when I heard Annie’s name. What the hell does he mean is she easy?

“I don’t think I’m following..”

“Well you’ve been around girls longer than I have; I was just wondering if you could tell if she’s the type that would give up sex easily.”

I felt my muscles tense up. I could feel my hands in fists. I could already see him on the ground begging for mercy. He will not..and I repeat…WILL NOT EVER touch my Annie again.

‘Keep it together Zak. You cannot hit a student. Plus you cannot let him know you care or he will become suspicious.’

“I’m not sure you should be asking me about this Carver. This goes past student/teacher relationship. I can’t give you advice about another student, especially the advice you are looking for. But I’m just going to put it out there; Annie wouldn’t appreciate you thinking things like that about her.”

“Good thing you won’t tell her.” He smirked and turned for the door. Before he stepped out he looked at me once more. “Be careful Mr. Stone, you’re feelings are showing.” And he left.

I punched one of the stall doors and cursed out loud. What the hell did that mean? I made sure to keep myself calm.

I looked around and my eyes stumbled across something.

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