Chapter Thirty

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Zak’s POV

After the girls left, I cleaned up around the room and grabbed my things. I’m pretty sure tonight is going to be a disaster but I can’t say no to Annie. If she really believes she can fix this, then dammit I’m gonna let her try.

When I got home, I noticed that my phone was still on silent so I went to change it when I saw a text from Greg.

‘Are u with Annie?’

‘No, why? –ZS’

‘Why did she text from your phone and set up a meeting with me?’

‘That was me dumbass.-ZS’

‘Better not be messing with me man.’

And with that I chunked my phone on the sofa across the room. Annie’s going to flip when she finds out Greg is suspicious.

After getting changed and ready for tonight, like there’s going to be much of it, I texted Annie and asked her if she was ready.

‘Take Cara with you, I’ll join later. I love you. –EVANS’

The moment I read her text, a knock was at my door.

“What is she planning?” I asked as soon as I saw Cara.

Cara looked scared to death and shrugged. “I have no idea.”

“Come on then, I have a feeling I don’t want to make Annie mad tonight.”

After a ten minute car ride, Cara and I pulled up at the deserted park around 8:45. I had no idea where Greg would be waiting but I’m sure I’ll hear him once he sees who I’m with.

I hope Annie knows what she’s doing. She’s never seen Greg mad. We walked around to the benches that sat just off to the side of the walking track surrounded by a playground.

“There he is.” Cara said, pointing towards the swings. A figure was sitting down on one of the swings, kicking the sand beneath his feet.

“I’m not sure what we are supposed to be doing, but let’s get this over with.”

I placed my hand on Cara’s shoulder and led her over the Greg.

Before we could walk up on him, he whipped his head around. “Finally.” He said before letting his eyes hit Cara. “What the hell? I knew it. I’m out of here.” He got up from the swing and started to walk away.

“Dude stop. Just talk to her. This needs to be settled.”

He turned and gave Cara a death glare.

“Tell your girlfriend to stay out of my business Zak.”

“Greg just please talk to me. Give me ten minutes.” Cara pleaded.

It was a good thing she stepped in because if he said one more thing about Annie, I would have to get involved more than I already was.

“There’s nothing to say Cara. I’m not gonna sit around and wait for you to decide if you feel something for me.”

“Who said I didn’t?” She questioned.

“Well you did a pretty shitty job of showing it last night. I take a chance and make a move just to get rejected? That’s not the way it works around here.”

“And who told you that you get to decide how it works around here? How about you listen to how I’m feeling for once? Maybe you’re just too damn scared to hear what I have to say?” I could tell Cara started losing her cool.

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