The Doctor

22 1 0

Doctor's POV

"Hey Tibby where do you want to go?" I ask my companion.

She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. "Where do I want to go?" She hums in contemplation for a moment before responding: "How about Japan?"

I stare at her. "You have the entire universe to choose from-"

"Well I don't know much of the universe." She mumbles.

"-and you choose Japan of all places!" I finish.

"So is that a no?" She asks.

"Gurl that is a definitely. This is perfect! We get to see the birthplace of anime!" I squeal like a typical fangirl.

"Wait you're into anime?" Tibby asks, but I don't listen to her. "I always deemed you as more of a manga person!"

The TARDIS touches down on ground. I grab Tibby's arm and yank her outside. "Wait what about Maggie-" She starts, then seeing my expression she stops.

"Maggie is fine, I trust her with the TARDIS." I reassure my companion.

Tibby sighs and decides to keep up with me as we stroll around Japan.

"This isn't as exciting as I thought it would be." I say.


"Stop being sarcastic."


"Oh, perfect."

"Now who's the sarcastic one?"

"Hey-" I hold out an arm to stop Tibby. We had made a round trip back to where the TARDIS was parked. Key word: was.

"-where's the TARDIS?"

I guess you can't trust Maggie alone with the TARDIS after all.


Aye it's Mayo3452 here! it is currently 11:57 pm and I have this huge presentation for school tomorrow but I don't really know what to do so I decided to let off some steam in the form of this. 

I'm in the middle of reading the Tokyo Ghoul manga (probably should've read that before watching the anime but oh well :P) and while writing this chapter I was thinking what would happen if they got sucked into an anime universe.

Then my mind was like "gurl you can't do that, just let them go to Japan." So they go to Japan and I really didn't have anything else to contribute and there was no reason for them to do that (I guess?) so I made the TARDIS disappear (thanks Maggie).

I hope you guys liked the chapter, sorry for the wait, I will try to post the next chapter soon!

Spoilers: the next chapter will be from Maggie's POV and explain what happened to the TARDIS ;)

Anyways, thanks for being so supportive like always!


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