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Tibby's POV

"Who's your little friend?" I ask the doctor as a little girl follows her into the TARDIS. I go around making sure everything is in order for our plan to work.

"What are you-" She turns around. "Maggie?! Did you follow me?"

"No Doctor, she obviously was here before you and you were following her." I reply my voice dripping with sarcasm.

Maggie looks paralyzed. She's walking around looking at everything skeptically. "How can it be…?"

"Bigger on the inside? Well that's a long story, but right now you have to go back to your parents." The doctor rushes out the door with her.


Silence surround the TARDIS. I step outside not wanting them to be able to get in. I activate my hand thingy. "No." I whisper as one of them reaches out their arm.


Hi! *insert interesting life event here* Oh wait! Just remembered one. DOCTOR WHO IS ON IN 30 MINUTES!!!! TYSM FOR ALMOST 700 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *FANGIRL MOMENT*

I would really appreciate your feedback.

BBC/BBC america owns doctor who.

Anything else? I don't think so.

Love you guys!


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