Bonus Scene

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Soooo.... my cousin wanted me to incorperate this somehow, but it didn't fit with the plot. So this is a bonus scene that she wrote. Love y'all! -_books_are_awesome_


Tibby's POV

The TARDIS materializes in front of my orphanage. As I climb out, I hear a distant noise that sounds like yelling from inside the building.

I walk through the front doors of my home, cleverly disguised as someone else in case the Master is here.

I follow the sound of yelling to where it is produced from.

The Cafeteria.

A bunch of tables are pulled into a circle around the middle of the gigantic room. 3/4 of the people are around the center, the other 1/4 are strewn around the walls of the cafeteria, obviously not interested in all the commotion. I walk to where everyone is and squeeze through to the center of the crowd.

My earlier assumption is correct. I watch the Master as she chugs a large bottle of eggnog while eating bacon at the same time.

The crowd of kids chant "CHUG CHUG CHUG CHUG" together.

I wait five seconds, the Master finishes her eggnog and bacon. The crowd roars with pleasure.

I hear one person yell to the person next to them; "That's Tibby's 13th time of doing that today!"

I almost puke as the Master pulls out yet another gigantic bottle of eggnog and pack of bacon.


This is NOT part of the story. Mayo3452 just wanted to add it.

BBC/BBC America owns Doctor Who.

Merry Christmas from the creators of 13!


The next real chapter will be published at midnight on New Years Day. We might have funny chapters in between. Or reviews/what sould have happened. Anyways, love you guys!

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