Chapter 1

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This chapter is dedicated to Sporty_bookworm_12. She is my first follower, and I'm so grateful for her support. Love you Marien!


Eleanor's P.O.V

I wake up in the hotel room, Louis arms curled around my waist. I smile. I can't believe how lucky I am. I'm engaged to the love of my life. I lean over and kiss him right on the mouth. His eyes flutter open.

"Hey babe"

"Hey yourself"

I try to get up but he pulls me backs towards him.

"No, stay" he begs. Damn his morning voice is sexy. It takes every ounce of willpower I have not to crawl back to bed.

"We have to get up. You have an interview at 12 and its already 10."

"Not until you give me an encore from last night."

I blush. I can't help it. I'm 21, I've been with Louis for years, and I still get embarrassed taking about sex. There's a reason I don't hang out with Harry too much. I shake my head at Louis, and walk to the kitchen to start making breakfast. Pancakes. Predictably, Louis walks in just as I finish cooking. I serve him a plate and we sit down to eat.

"So now that I'm your fiancé, does that mean I get to come on the tour now?"

Louis shakes his head.

"I wish El." He smiles. "Did I ever tell you how much I love it when you call yourself my fiancé?"

I pretend to think it over.

"Considering we got engaged"

"Well, I do"

"I do too"

We lean across the table to share a kiss, but are interrupted by the sound of sirens. I pull back, startled.

"What do you think that is?"

He yawns.

"I dunno El. Lemme check it out" He says, heading for the window. I can't help but check out his bum as he walks out of the room. When he reaches the doorway, he turns, and catching me staring, he sassily winks.

"Like what you see?"

"Shut up Tommo" I blush again, chucking a pillow at his head. He grins, and swaggers out of the room, shaking his butt as he does. I sigh, and begin to clear the plates. Dating a pop star has it's privileges, but it's also got some serious costs.


It's such a shock from the flirty, cheeky boy in here seconds ago that drop a plate in surprise. Fortunately it doesn't break. As I'm picking it up, I hear him again.

"El, you need to see this."

I rush to our bedroom where I see him standing at the window, looking down to the street 1 floor below.

"Baby what's-"

And then I see it.

See the hundreds of girl crowding around our hotel.

See the police officers and bodyguards trying to hold them off.

See the signs saying "Eleanor doesn't deserve Louis" and "Break them up!", and so much worse.

Wordlessly, I openly twitter and scroll through my mentions. My entires page is filled with hate. I can't find a single reassuring thing. A new hash tag, "#EndElounor" is trending. Tears roll down my cheeks.


So there ya go.

Chapter 1

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<3 MaddyCupcakeStyles

The Danger of Being in Love: One Direction Romance: Louis & EleanorWhere stories live. Discover now