Chapter 12

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Hey guys! Newsflash: I'm in a community theater production of "Les Misérables". And I have literally NO free time in the next 2 weeks. Between rehearsals and tech and cue-to-cue and costumes and makeup and performances. I will try my best to update but no promises :(

I'll be back soon!

Enjoy my new chapter (cause they may be it for a while)



Niall's P.O.V

We all decided to hang out back at Louis and Eleanor's hotel for a while. Zach had to leave because he had plans with some friends he met a few days ago. That dude is a social butterfly. Maybe order in some food, play games or watch movies or just hang out. After all, Maddy's friends were only going to be in England for another two days. Including....Allie. I couldn't stop staring at her. She was so pretty. Her smile, her eyes. Everything about her was just breathtaking. Not to say the other girls weren't beautiful too. But Allie. She was different. There was something special about her. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it made me attracted to her in a way I just couldn't deny.

Only problem was the way her brother kept glaring at me.

As we reached the hotel, I stayed behind to book a room for Maddy. Paul said there were still reporters crowed around her old apartment. I have to hand it to him. No one even noticed she left.

"Niall?" a soft voice from behind me broke me out of my trance.


"I was wondering if you wanted to talk? It didn't seem right to leave you here all alone." she smiled a shy smile that made my heart melt


We talked for almost 20 minutes while they set up Maddy's room. I never would've guessed Allie was so funny. I had noticed how sweet she was at the mall but I hadn't noticed her sense of humor. And how similar we are. She likes bad reality TV shows, and junk food like me. All her friends are jealous how she can eat all the time and never gain a pound. Sound familiar? We talked about our families, her big, boisterous southern family and my close-knit Irish one. When I asked if she could sing, she just laughed.

When we were done we made our way up to room 127.

"Well. Here we are" I said when we got there.

"Yeah. I guess we should go in, hang out with people."

Neither of us moved.

"Unless you don't want to..." I offered.

A sly grin crept onto her face.


Olivia's P.O.V.


On the outside, I'm as cool as a cucumber. On the inside, I'm having a MAJOR spaz attack. I never thought this day would ever come. Ever.

But here I am, sitting right next to 7 of the most recognizable faces in the entire world.

All my friends have seemed to paired up with one of the guys. Not in a couple-y way. But like as if they were meant to be best friends. Bridget is with Zayn, and they're chatting over art, something they both deeply care about. Bridget's sketches are AMAZING. Especially her portraits. Maddy's with Liam (no surprise-they both are they "responsible" ones). Emma's with Harry, and their antics are cracking everyone up.

Meanwhile, I am sitting back-to-back with the Louis Tomlinson. He keeps talking pretending I'm not there, talking to Eleanor about "the pretty brunette we met at the mall". It's cracking me up. Louis's just as funny in person as he seems in interviews and fan fiction.

But I can't ignore the fact that Seth and Akiva are still kinda sitting off to the side. Akiva in particular is glaring daggers at Zayn. And I'm sure Seth isn't too happy about Allie and Ni.....

Where are those guys?

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Hey" I call out, and everyone looks my way. "Anyone seen Allie or Niall?"

Seth scowls. I send him a shut-up-right-now-or-I-swear-to-God-I'll-kill-you look, and he relents a tiny bit.

"Yeah, let's see if they're still downstairs." Bridget comments.

We all get up and start walking down the hall in a disorderly clump. I'm so invested in my conversation with Louis that I walk straight into Maddy and Liam, who've come to a abrupt halt. I'm about to ask her why the hell she stopped when I see why.



I haven't done a big cliffhanger in a while so.......:)

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