Chapter 4

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Heyo!! Did you see the 1D movie? I LOVED it. Me and my friend went a week after it opened, so there wasn't anyone there so we sang along to all the songs. Ugh, why do they have to be so perfect?? Ok chickies, next chappie is here!


Maddy's P.O.V

After what seems like an eternity, but is probably only a few seconds, I manage to squeak,


"Hello love."

I swooned. THE Louis Tomlinson called me 'love'. Ohmygosh.


A second figure joined him at the door. Her face was blotchy and tearstained, but there was no mistaken the hazel eyes, the long, brown, wavy locks.

Eleanor Calder.

"Is it her?" She asks. Louis nods.

Me? They're looking for me? Why? As I'm busy contemplating, the willowy Hollister model leans over and pulls me into a tight hug. Squeezing me tightly, she whispers into my ear.

"Thank you."

I am honestly baffled.

"For what?"

The look of surprise must be evident on my face because Eleanor releases me and takes Louis hand.

"Come in, we'll explain everything."

Almost in a daze, I follow them into their hotel room.

"You hungry?" Louis asks.

"Yeah....starving actually." Eleanor laughs.

"You want pancakes?"


Only after we've all consumed at least 7 pancakes each, does Louis start speaking again.

"So, what's your name?"


"That's cool. I'm Louis Tomlinson."

"I noticed."

He chuckles.

"Yeah, I thought so."

"So, I don't mean to be rude, but what am I doing up here?"

"Are you serious?" Eleanor asks. "Were you not there when you got all those insane girls where to get off?"

"Oh." I blush. I'm not really a quiet person, in fact I'm pretty insane once you get to know me, but around people I don't know? Famous people at that?

Yeah, good luck with that.

"Yeah." Louis nods. "So what happened after Paul came and got you-that's Paul Higgins, our bodyguard-like 80% of the girls cleared out. I guess your message really got to them."

"And the others?"

"The police were able to take care of it. I mean, it's a lot harder to get rid of 100 girls than 500." Louis looks harder at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just, you guys are my idols and I never thought I've ever get the chance to meet you and now I'm in your house and this whole time I didn't even know what I was doing!"

As I finish my rant, Louis and Eleanor laugh at the same time the doorbell rings.

"Hold that thought for one second..."

Louis walks out of the room, and I'm left with Eleanor. She smiles at me.

"So why'd you do it? Why'd you stick up for us if you had no idea what you were doing?"

"I'm not just seemed like the right thing to do?"

I hear Louis voice floats into the room from down the hall before I can say anymore.

"Hi! Come in."

I rest my tea on the table, glancing down for half a second. When I look up, I almost fall off my chair in surprise at who it is.

The other members of One Direction.


Ooh, thought I forgot about the boys. Nón. Pleasepleasepleaseplease PLEASE let people know about my book. I'm trying to make it the Wattpad world. Tell me what you think.






Oh I said that already, didn't I.


The Danger of Being in Love: One Direction Romance: Louis & EleanorWhere stories live. Discover now