Chapter 25

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Dun dun da dun. Dun dun da dun.

The organ cranks out the traditional wedding march as El's little cousin runs down the aisle, scattering rose petals. Niall's nephew chases after her. Luckily, someone had the good sense to put the rings in his pocket and not trust him to carry them. After a beat, Niall, Harry and I walk down the aisle, followed by Zayn and Perrie, and then Liam and Danielle. Every face turns to look at us. I see my friends sitting in the front row, along with Eleanor's family.The all smile, and Olivia waves cheekily.

The boys, Perrie, Dani and I all take our places on the pew. As Maid of Honor, I'm standing directly across from Harry, Louis' best man. Louis looks scared to death, and Harry places a calming hand on his shoulder. I can actually see the visual tension in his face relax. He winks at me, and I almost giggle aloud.

At the end of the ballroom, Eleanor and her Dad enter. While the music continues to play, they take the slow amble up the aisle. When they reach us, he kisses her on the cheek and sits down in the front with the rest of his family.

And in walks Simon Cowell.

You could've knocked me over a feather.

"Hello. For those of you who don't know, and all of you should, my name is Simon Cowell. Judge on British X-Factor and creator of the incredible One Direction.

When Louis called me to ask if I would register as an officiant so I could preside over the wedding, I told him no. I told him I couldn't....because I had already registered."

Laughter spills from the guests and wedding party alike.

"I've known Louis for almost four years now. He's loud and energetic and passionate about everything he does. He's able to turn everything into a joke, a skill that at sometimes can be useful, but has also gotten him into copious amounts of trouble. Trouble, which I as his manager had usually had to deal with." More laughter. "I've had the pleasure of seeing him turn from a immature boy to a wiser and slightly less immature man. Eleanor," he continued, turning to her. "I haven't know you nearly as long, but what I do know is that you make Louis happy. I've seen you help him through the trials and tribulations that face any young man, but additionally those of a teenage popstar. You bring out the best in him, and he brings out the best in you. You're both full of light, love, and mischief, which, all though it drives others insane, is a great to have in a couple. And perhaps becoming married will give you each a greater sense of responsibility, which would be a HUGE load off my back. Only kidding." The entire room is in stitches now. Who knew Simon Cowell was such a ham?

Family members from both sides came up to bless the couple, offering praise, advice, and above all, love. Some of the youngest kids even came up and recited a poem. The two oldest girls, 15 and 13 respectively, had written it, and gotten all the younger kids to read it with them.

"Capture all the precious moments

And hold them in your heart

Today you vow to each other

And make a perfect start.

The promise of a wedding

That two hearts truly make,

A vow to be loving and to be kind

To guide, to give and to take.

Everyone got emotional at those little kids. I even saw Zayn tearing up.

The Danger of Being in Love: One Direction Romance: Louis & EleanorWhere stories live. Discover now