Chapter 8

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I HAVE 160 READS!!! I love you guys!!!! Here's my gift, a new chapter! AND its my first chapter with a picture...ooh!


Maddys P.O.V

Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt. Bzzzzt.

Ugh. Who could be calling me at this hour?? It's only - I roll over to check my bedside clock.

9 am. On a Saturday.

But, being the polite soul that I am, I reach for my phone and flip it open.

Yes, I am so poor that I still have a flip phone. And not even a cool flip phone. One of the lame ones with the number keyboards so it takes me ten minutes just to type "hey".

"Hello?" My voice sounds groggy even to me.

"Maddy?" An unfamiliar voice asks.

"Yes, who's this?" I'm really not in the mood. I'll have you know, I'm still tired from the the whole "Saving Eleanor and Louis' relationship thing".

"It's Zayn. Oh, I'm sorry, did I wake you up?"

I shoot straight up in bed. Nope, I'm not tired anymore. Zayn Javadd Malik is calling me. Every girl in America would die to be me right now.

"It's fine Zayn. Why'd you call?"

"I was wondering if you wanted to come hang out with me and the boys today?

My mouth has ceased functioning. It should be criminal the affect these boys have on me.

I realize I haven't spoken for like, 30 seconds.

"Yes!" I blurt out. "I'm sorry. I got caught up in thinking how incredibly insanely lucky I am and how every other girl in the United States and England and probably the rest of the world would die to be me, except they don't know that they'd die to be me because no one knows who I am yet."

I hear Zayns chuckling at the end of the line. Glad to know my rambling entertains him.

"Okay. How about you meet us outside Eleanor's and Louis' hotel room in about 15 minutes?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine."

"Okay Maddy, see you then."

And he hangs up. I flop back on the bed.

How the HELL did I get through that phone call?

And WHAT am I going to wear to meet them?

In seconds, my clothes are scattered throughout the room.

What? I'm a girl. Clothes are important to me. It's different when I met the boys for the first time. I wasn't expecting to. Is it such a crime that I want to look good for them now?

I end up picking out skinny jeans (I LIVE in skinny jeans) and my Songwriters Assistant tee. I pair my outfit with my favorite combat boots an throw my hair into a high ponytail. I only put on lip gloss and mascara. Truth be told, its the only make-up I really ever wear. I check myself out in the mirror.

Damn girl. I look good.

As I walk down the stairs to the lobby of my apartment I pull out my phone and start texting Zayn

I'm on my way.

As I pull open the door, I'm blinded by hundreds of camera flashes.

"Maddy! Over here!"

"Maddy, why did you stand up for Eleanor and Louis?"

"Is it true that you just did it for the attention?"

"Maddy, can you confirm the rumors that you and Harry are dating now?"

I slam the door and throw myself against it in a vain attempt to block the paparazzi out.

Or not.


Zayns P.O.V

I'm out of breath as I reach my friends hanging around in front of the hotel.

"Zayn! Vas happening?" Louis yells to me.

As I look around the group, I notice someone's missing.

"Where's Maddy?"

Everyone exchanges confused glances.

"We thought she was coming with you?"

"Yeah, she texted me, like ten minutes ago."

As I pull out my phone to show them the text, it starts to vibrate.



"Maddy?" Everyone's hanging on my words. "Where are you?"

She laughs, but I can tell she's upset. There's not a hint of humor in it.

"Zayn, I need your help. Like now."


I am obsessed with all these cliffhangers.

If you guys care, vote, comment, fan, message me.



And it'd be nice if you would follow me. As a thank you.


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