Chapter 3

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Maddy's P.O.V.

All I can see is girls. Girls everywhere. Hundreds of them. Thousands maybe. They're screaming and waving signs. They're voices are so loud I can't make out a word. Is this some sort of riot? I see at the front, police officers are trying to hold off the girls from entering what looks like a hotel. My attention is drawn to a window on the 1st floor, a curtain swishes with movement. Is someone there? But it disappears immediately. I must have imagined it. I push my way into the crowd, looking for someone, anyone to tell me what's going on. I see a girl in front of me waving some kind of banner. "End Elounor!" Wait what? What's happening? I know they had some haters, but nothing of this proportion. I tap the girl with the banner.

"WHAT?!??!!" She screams, fire in her eyes.

Whoa. Okay.

"What's going on?!"

"You didn't hear?"

"Hear WHAT?!?" Ohmygod. Just TELL me already!

"Louis proposed!!"

"Like, proposed marriage?" I realize how stupid that sounds. What else would it be? "Well congrats to them."

"What?!" she shrieks! "How are you not freaking out?!! She took him!"

I stare at the crazy girl. And walk away. I knew some fans took their devotion to the boys, but I could never have imagined anything of this proportion. Almost unconsciously, I begin to push my way to the front of the crowd. I can't just stand here and do nothing, that's not right.

I finally reach the front of the mob scene. Now what? I know I have to help somehow. I can't let this ruin Eleanor and Louis. They don't deserve this, nobody does. They are an amazing couple, and they're probably falling to pieces right now. Not probably, definitely. I spot a bullhorn on the ground next to the hotel. Some cop must've left it there. This is my chance. I pick up the bullhorn, and step up onto the stone wall around the garden. It puts me....about 3 feet above everyone else. Not much, but I'll take it. I take a deep breath, and pull the trigger to get the bullhorn working.


Surprisingly, about 90% of the rioters stop yelling. A police officer tries to pull me down, but I push him away. Before the girls can start again, I speak.


The crowd remains quiet. I turn to the policeman and he shrugs. I take that as permission.

I turn back to the crowd, and realize I have no idea what to say. The adrenaline that got me here has faded away, and I realize that all I have left to do is say what's in my heart. Cheesy, I know, but if I don't start talking I think I might keel over.

"Hi. My name's Maddy, and I'm a Directioner. I know all the lyrics to their songs and I have posters of them all over my room." I see girls in the crowd start to smile and nod, like they realize that I'm one of them. Ha. "I can see that you think that I'm kind of like you guys. And I am, in a way. We're all fans. But I would never do anything like this. Ever. Being a fan means supporting the boys, not tearing them down for their decisions. That's our responsibility as Directioners, to be the people that, no matter what, they can count on. Have you even thought about what Louis and Eleanor are going through right now? They're probably devastated. Is that what you really want for your idol and the person he cares most about in the world? I don't think it is. So please, please, do the right thing. Thank you."

As I finish my speech, a tall, intimidating bodyguard walks up to me.

"Sir, I am so sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Come with me."

I have no choice. But instead of arresting me, he leads me into the hotel, up a floor, and down a hallway.

I'm really lost at this point.

"Uh, where are we going?"

No answer.What's going on?! He finally stops in front of room 127, and knocks on the door.

I hear footsteps coming closer and closer. The door creaks open.

And I am staring into the unmistakable blue eyes,

Of Louis Tomlinson.


Ah! Cliffhanger! Ideas for next chapters? Comments? Questions? I'd love to hear them. Inbox me! Tell your friends, spread the word! Thanks for your support.


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