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Louis and Eleanor sat in silence as they ate dinner. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was the kind of silence where two people who have known each other for a long time don't have to talk to avoid awkwardness. As you probably know Louis was in the boy band One Direction, number one in 37 countries, and considered a 21 year old heartthrob. He was one of only two boys with girlfriends in the band however. Harry and Niall were single, and Zayn was recently engaged to Perrie Edwards of Little Mix.

Louis cleared his throat.

"So, they boys and I are going to be headed off on our next tour pretty soon." The band was set to head off on an 11-country tour around Europe. For six months.

"That's great! I know you guys have really been looking forward to this one." Eleanor smiled, but as she watched Louis' face, her smile fell.

"Isn't it?"

Louis ran his fingers through his wavy hair and sighed. "It turns out we're leaving sooner then we thought.

Eleanor sucked in her breath, and Louis spoke again.

"And because of that, they're not letting you, or Perrie, or anyone come."

"That's what I was afraid of."

Zayn, Liam and Louis had been trying to convince Management to let Perrie, Danielle, and Eleanor to come on this tour for months. It had looked like Simon was bending to their incessant begging. But now...

This time, the silence that descended on them was far from comfortable, a cloud of misery settled on their shoulders.

"But you can still come visit, and see the shows-"

"But it won't be the same" Eleanor finished. "I know how much this tour means to you, but, it just sucks, not being able to see you or talk to you everyday."

A small smile danced at the corner of Louis' lips.

"Yeah, well, I thought of something that might help a little."

"Eleanor, I've loved you from the day I met you. Going on this tour, being away from you, it's made me realize something. I never want to be away from you anymore."

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. Then he got down on one knee.

"Eleanor Jane Calder, will you marry me?

Time seemed to stop as entire restaurant held its breath as it took in the look of shock on Eleanor's face as she looked down at the sparkling diamond ring. Her face shone as she smiled at the boy she loved, and whispered the sweetest answer in the English language.


The crowd erupted in cheers as Louis slipped the ring onto her finger. Their faces shown with happiness as they thanked the masses if people who shot forward to congratulate them.

What no one could have predicted is how short that happiness would last.

The Danger of Being in Love: One Direction Romance: Louis & EleanorWhere stories live. Discover now