Chapter 9

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OMG I love you guys so much!!!!

Ok, my spaz attack is over.


Maddys P.O.V.

I'm stuck in my room, the door locked and barricaded. I can hear the shouts of the reporters bouncing around the apartment complex, trying to find me. So this is what Eleanor and Louis went through. I feel a sudden rush of empathy for them, and I no longer have any doubts that I did the right thing.

This sucks.

Zayn promised he'd send help as soon as he could.

As I pull out my phone and start to text him, the lock on my door begins to jiggle.

Not soon enough apparently.


I stand, paralyzed. I know I should run, hide, do something, anything. But it's like my feet have fused to the floor. I can't do anything but wait, helpless, for the news-hungry paparazzi to bust down the door.

The lock clicks and a tall man enters the room.

My fear subsides a little when I recognize him as the man who brought me to Louis and Eleanor's room yesterday.


"Y-yes. Sir"

"I'm Paul, Harry, Niall, Liam, Louis, and Zayn's bodyguard. The boys sent me to help get you out of here."

Paul Higgins.

No time to marvel at the man I've only heard about in fan fictions, One Directions main bodyguard. He hands me sunglasses, a letterman jacket, and a baseball cap.

"Put these on and stay right next to me. No one will notice you. He then leads me out the door and down through the apartment to the lobby. I keep my head down, terrified that at any moment someone will recognize me and I'll be mobbed. But Paul is as good as his word. We make it through the front doors unnoticed.

Thank god.


Liam's P.O.V.

"Where is she?"

Eleanor brings all of our anguish into words. It's been almost an hour since Zayn called Paul to get Maddy. And still no sign of them. People pass us on all sides. An elderly couple. A tall man, probably a father to the tomboyish girl next to him. 3 little girls shrieking as a their babysitter, a teenager, runs after them.

"Is it possible that, you know, Paul couldn't get her out?"

No one answers. Paul's never not succeeded on a mission, but it's never taken him this long either.

The man and girl start walking up to us. Who are these people? Is the girl a fan?

"Excuse me sir, can we help you?" Louis' voice is kind, but you can tell he's as on edge as the rest of us.

"Yes. I have something for you."

What could this guy possibly have for us?

They both start to shed their outfits. The girl grins cheekily.

"Recognize me?"

It's Maddy

Paul came through.

Spontaneously I reach forward and pull Maddy into a hug. She seems stunned, but laughs and hugs me back.

One by one, the others hug her hello, and together, we walk toward the mall.

Perrie and El insisted.

On the way there, Maddy seems a little less more subdued.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." She sighs. "I miss my friends. They're all back in America. And they're all HUGE One Direction fans."

I want to comfort her, but I have no idea how. I settle for laying my arm on her shoulder. She smiles, and leans into me.

Once we get to the mall, we split into to groups, girls and guys. With plans to meet up at the food court in a few hours, we go our separate ways.


Louis P.O.V

We all strolled through the mall in a big clump. El was cuddled up to me, Dani to Liam, and Perrie to Zayn. After complaining about feeling like a 7th, 8th, and 9th wheel, Niall and Harry had Maddy between them.

"Soooo, where should we go?" I asked. But before anyone could answer, we heard someone call



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Love ya bunches!


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