Chapter 3 - Kidnapped

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My eyes opened instantly from the ice cold water that was thrown on top of my head. My cloths and hair where drenched instantly. Waiting for my eyes to adjust to the bright morning light, I tried reaching my hand to my face to wipe the sleep away but realized that my hand was unable to move.

I looked down to find I was tied tightly to the tree behind me with nothing more than a thick piece of rope.

Reality began to sink in as images from the night before flooded my mind. I groaned out loud attracting the attention of the man sitting in front of me

"Rise and shine Princess. We have a long day ahead of us," he smile was warm and friendly but I knew better than to trust this man. He did after all just dip a bucket of water on top of my head.

The man stood up and walked over to the now burned out fire. I took the chance to look around the rest of the camp. Three horses where tied to a tree just to my left and where eating the grass below them. I spotted another man packing bags of what looked like meat, herbs and other unknowns. Neither man was the person I was looking for.

I wanted to see the man who had murdered my mother.

I wanted to see if he showed any signs of guilt.

I wanted to imagine hurting him very slowly to make him feel what I was feeling not so long ago but the hooded man was no where in sight.

Snapping out of my thoughts I looked down at my lap. It was starting to get cold in only my now ruined violet dress. I started shivering as the ice cold water chilled me to the bone.

I heard a snicker and looked up. The man had a smirk on his face. He seemed amused at how uncomfortable I looked.

"Basted, what do you want from me?" I glared at the lanky man. He looked about the same age as Liam maybe even a little older. He had short blonde hair and light grey eyes. He was very tall but it was hard to tell because I was still sitting on the ground. He was skinny making him look quite lanky with his tall figure.

"All will be explained. But first we have to travel to the nearest town and buy you some cloths Princess." Lanky squatted down so our faces were level with each other. "Are you going to behave or are you going to cause us trouble the whole ride?"

"You didn't answer the question," I said through clenched teeth.

"Ah, I see your going to cause trouble. Very well, it will be a very unpleasant journey for you than won't it?" And with that Lanky pulled out a knife from his belt and slowly started to bring the blade towards my stomach.

I started to panic. I stared at him in shock. Was he really going to kill me now just after kidnapping me and destroying my home? What would be the point in that? Why not just kill me in the palace instead of dragging me out here?

I looked down at the knife again it was only a few inches away from my stomach now. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain. It never came instead a felt released as I sagged forward towards him.

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