Chapter 4 - Prince Conrad

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I stood in the court yard of the palace. Looking upon the once beautiful palace of the Nightingale family but now all that is left of the palace is ruble.

I watch as guards dig and throw the ruble around me. So far there is no sign of the Queen. The guards managed to find the King but unfortunately the King died just moments after being pulled free. The healer was unable to treat the man's injuries.

Liam, Carissa and Brooke were all found alive but with major injuries to their arms and legs. Brooke had a major head injury but was stable for the moment.

Sadie is yet to be found along with her mother. My heart ached at the thought of Sadie dead. She was such a lovely girl.

You know all those rumors about me wanting to marry Sadie? Yea well there all true. I did love her and I was planning on asking for her hand in marriage but now all those dreams have been crushed along with the palace.

A loud shout brings me back to the present.

"Prince!" One the guards calls from a far corner. Hope blooms in my chest. I race over to the waving guard. There under the ruble is a hand.

"On the count of three help me lift this brick." The guard nodded and took hold of the ruble along with some other guards. "One, two THREE!" Everyone lifts the ruble and throws it towards the large pile in the court yard.

I turn back around to where the body lays. All hope dies as I stare down at the body of the Queen. Blood has seeped into her gold dress. A knife wound has pierced her heart. But the knife is nowhere to be seen. The murderer must have taken to blade with him/her.

The guards drag the Queen out of the ruble and onto the grass. I look around the area of the palace and try to find and trace of Sadie. I sigh knowing that there is no chance Sadie survived the collapse. Heck! I nearly didn't made it out in time. Luckily my family where out in the court yard greeting guests when the first bomb went off. Thank god for that or else I'd have to return to my kingdom and claim the crown.

A thought stuck me. What if Sadie made it out before the bomb went off?

But wouldn't that mean she would be hear along with everyone else. Unless..... No I refuse to think that. She would never hurt her family. Or would she? No she couldn't have done that and I refuse to think other wise.

Another thought struck. What if she was kidnapped by the murderer? With that thought I started scouting the area around the gates for any broken branches or foot prints.

I was about half way when I spotted a broken tree branch. I started heading in that direction and soon found a foot print the same size as my shoe. By the look of things he or her seemed to be in a hurry. Broken tree branches where littered all along the ground. This was it if Sadie was kidnapped then all we have to do is follow this path and hopefully we could catch up with them. And if Sadie's not with them then we'll just have to put them under arrest. Hopefully they don't kill us in the process.

I sighed and turned back the way I came. "Guards!" I yelled. Six men came running up to me in a matter of seconds. One of which was a Tenant-in-Chef. I spoke to him directly.

"Gather some of your finest soldiers and prepare them to travel with me in search of the murderer early tomorrow morning. Understood?" I ordered

"Yes sir." The Tenant nodded and walked back over to the rest of the guards and started shouting orders to them.

I tuned him out and stared into the woods where we were headed. I vowed to myself that I would find Sadie and bring her home to her family and put the murderer to justus.

Author's Note:

Hiiii plz comment and vote on what u thought of this and I hope you liked to POV of Prince Conrad. I haven't done one before so I think I did it right but plz comment on what you thought.

Thx and byeeee!!

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