Chapter 13 - Natures Call

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My cheek burned with pain, snapping me awake instantly. I sat up straight almost bumping my head against my captor.

"Good you're awake." A deep dead voice said from behind me. I turned slowly, ignoring the goose bumps. It was the Boss. i was becoming scared shit less of him. He's quite scary up close.

"What do you want?" Surprisingly my voice held no emotion. That seemed to surprise him, as shock was register on his face. boss quickly covered his surprise with a black face, just like Razor. The two were strangely similar in attitude. Always hiding their emotions from the rest of the world.

"I want that necklace of yours." My eyes widened in panic but I hid it quickly.

"You can't have it." I hissed. Venom dripped from every word. I'm completely shocked I haven't started panicked and started screaming my head off. Instead my voice doesn't even sound like my own.

His deep chuckle frilled the silent air.

"You see that's where you are wrong." I frowned at him in confusion. "You are captured by me, therefore I can take whatever I please and I want that necklace. So give it to me!" He demanded. He outstretched hand in front of me. I stared at it as though it were a foreign object.

"GIVE IT TO ME!" Boss screamed in my face but I didn't even flinch. I kept staring blankly at his hand.

"Why don't you take it yourself?" I questioned. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"I can't" Like that answered the question.

"Why not?" I pushed now smirking up at him. I could have a little fun with this. I knew he couldn't take it unless I wanted him to. It's protected by magic. Whoever touch it that I didn't want to, it would burn their hand.

"Because it burns to the touch if I do." See. I told you so. I smirked up at him a evil glint in my eyes.

"Well then I guess you can't have it then." Boss growled at me. His hand connected with the side of my face. It stung painfully but I ignored it. That hardly hurt compared to the foot incident.

My gaze snapped back to him. I glared daggers at him. Fear flashed in his eyes but it was gone as quick as it came.

"You shouldn't have done that." In one quick movement, I flicked my wrist. The movement sent vines from the forest to wrap around him. The vines wrapped around his arms and legs. Trapping them so he could no longer move. Since he was no longer able to move anymore, he fell sideways and landed with a loud thud. Boss groaned, obviously in pain but I was too pissed to care at the moment.

Boss began to struggle against the vines but I clenched my fist to tighten them. Once he stopped struggling, I calmed down. It was then that I realized what had just happened. My eyes widened. Holly Hell! That was soooo cool!

I could heal quickly AND use the earth around me. I smiled triumphantly. I snapped back to reality when I noticed that the rest of my captors were staring at my wide eyed. All pairs of eyes held fear, even Steeleyes, who I thought had no emotions, was petrified.

I snicked at them. They all seemed paralyzed with fear, like the rabbit from the other day. Now that was the funniest thing ever. Then I remember the dagger I dropped in the hopes of someone finding it. I started to feel anxious, waiting for something to happen. I started biting my lip, hoping that either Razor or Cross left a sign saying that they were here.

My prayers must have been heard as a rustle of a tree caught my attention. To anyone else it would seem a bird had landed there and was bouncing around but to me it didn't. I stared at the tree for a while, hoping it looked like I was staring off into space. I concentrated hard until I saw the glint of a blade shine in the light.

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