Chapter 14 - Not Over Yet

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Sadie's POV

I stood in a meadow. Flowers surrounded me. Beautiful purples, blues, and pinks filled the never ending meadow. To my left ran a sparkling blue creek. The ripples caught the sun rays of light, making the clear blue creek seem a creek of diamonds.

White birds flew in the cloudless sky singing happily. I giggled feeling like a little kid again, standing in the palace gardens. Instinct took over and I began to spin in a circle. My arms spread out next to me and my head facing the sky.

My cheerful laughter the only thing heard in the peaceful place. I stopped spinning and fell down, lying in the meadow of beautiful flowers. Sighed in happiness. My eyes were closed as I soaked in the runs rays, warming my cold pale skin,

Opening my eyes I looked down at myself. I wore a strapless white dress that reached mid thigh. The silk material smooth to the touch. The dress fanned out when it reached my waist and flowed like water. The waist had been decorated with a purple sash. On the left, the sash had been tied into a bow and the ends reached my hip.

On my feet I wore purple flats that had a white bow above my toes. I gingerly reached up to my hair. My strawberry blonde hair had been curled into loose curls down my back.

I was like a younger version of myself.

I frowned at myself.

Where was I?

And how'd I get here?

The meadow and creek seemed familiar. Like a memory that had been forgotten and was reminding me now.

The last thing I remember were my bloody hands. Then blackness.

Was I dead?

No, I can't be dead. Cause if I were dead then wouldn't my mother be here to? Or maybe no.

I don't feel pain.

So I must be dead.

"You are not dead, sweetheart." My mother's voice said from behind me.

"Mum?" I asked turning around to face the voice.

"Yes, sweetheart."

"But what are you doing here? If I'm not dead then where am I?"

"You are in a forgotten memory. From when you were a little girl." A smile twitched at her pink lips. She looked as stunning as I remember her. Her curly blonde hair flowing behind her in the soft winds. Her crystal blue eyes sparkled with happiness. She wore a dress similar to mine but crystal blue to match her eyes.

"And I'm here to tell you that you must wake up. Your companions need you." To my mother's right, the air rippled then stilled forming an image. Razor, Cross and Jai were in a small living room. Razor paced back and forth across the room, while Jai and Cross sat in the couch chairs. Cross sat there with guilty eyes and Jai fiddled with his finger in his lap. His left leg bobbed up and down. I started at them sadly.

"The country needs you to save them." My mother's voice continued. The image rippled and blurred, then focused again. A small abandoned town had been charred black. No life existed in the small town. The only things seen were black hooded figures roaming threw the shadows. They were exactly like the one I saw before being kidnapped.

My eyes widened. Fear consumed me completely. The things were everywhere in the town. The hooded figures moved out of the town and into the forest as if the floated.

The image switched to another town, except this one still filled with life. Men, women, boys and girls roamed the streets in a happy manner. Music filled the air as people bargained and chatted.

In the shadows of the forest black hooded figures appeared. They swarmed into the town by the thousands. Blood curtailing screams filled the once music filled air. People raced to shelter but it seemed to be no use.

Fire erupted onto the streets and latched onto anything and everything. In a matter of minutes, every building had been set a light. Smoke clouded the sky and once again, the hooded figures retreated. Unaffected by the flaming homes and businesses.

The image vanished in an instant but the screams of children, women and men still echoed around in my mind.

"That is why you must wake up. You are the only one capable to save everyone from the destruction that is being caused by those foul creatures."

"What are they?"

"They are creatures of Death. They seek revenge on those who have ended their lives or the ones that were lucky to survive horrible deaths. They remember nothing of their lives but revenge on living beings."

"How come you aren’t like them?"

"They asked but I refused the offer. Razor killed me because you wouldn't be able to continue your journey if you knew I was alive. You would have felt as though you were being forced to do the task and we couldn't have that. So I simply accepted that it was my time."

I bit back a cry and ran over to my mother hugging her tightly.

"Bye Mother."

"Goodbye, my dear."

Razor's POV

It had now been week since the accident with Sadie. Every day seemed a blur to me. Sadie still hadn’t woken up yet even though her wound had fully healed to a point that she no longer bared a scar on her chest.

I paced the living room, like I had the past seven days. I couldn't sleep anymore even with the knowledge of knowing Sadie had healed herself and was doing fine.

 Judith complained that If I kept pacing, I'd wear a hole in the carpet. I took her advice and sat down but couldn't sit still for long and would be up and pacing again.

I busied myself with tending to the horses and walking them around the house a couple of times. I practiced my knife throwing along with Jai and sword battles with Cross to pass the time. Hoping to exhaust myself enough to sleep but it didn't work.

My concern for Sadie ate away at my heart keeping me awake.

I was sure my eyes were red along with black bags surrounding them.

Judith gave me sleeping drafts every night to help my sleep. It helped for a couple of hours before I woke up hot and sweaty from nightmarish dreams of my family.

From time to time, I'd pick up Sadie's dagger and twirled it a couple of times in thought. 

 It now was the eighth day since the accident. Sadie was still asleep but Judith had said her fingers had begun twitching and her eyes fluttering. Judith had informed us that Sadie seemed to be trying to wake up. After no news for the past seven days. This news seemed like a ray of sunshine on our usually dark and gloomy days.

Hope filled the atmosphere and everyone slept peacefully that night, including me.



hey ya'll hope you liked.

Sorry its short but i wanted to end it there.

MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay so my friend, lanajean and I are writing a story together called..........

Undercover Geeks!!!

I am writing as Ellie and lanajean is writing as Shaylin.

plz check it out and also have a read of lanajean's Sorry for Stealing Your Heart. It is awesome!!

Well bye

Until next time..............


P.S. On the side is a pic of Sadie's Mum>>>

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