Chapter 15 - Rise and GO GO GO!

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Sadie's POV

My eyes fluttered open but quickly closed them as the bright light filled my vision. Groaning I sat up. A dull throb pounded in the back of my head.

How long have I been asleep for? Looking down at myself I noticed two things.

One: I seemed....... pale. Like the colour someone turns when all life washes away from them.

Creepy thought.

Two: I wore nothing but a thin white blanket and bandages around my chest.

Sitting up I stretched But winced when my chest shot with pain. Groaning I looked around the white room I ended up in. The room held rows and rows of white covered beds. The walls displayed the same white colour making the room feel bright. Too bad that the pure white walls were giving me a headache or I would have liked them.

A stare burned into the back of my head. Frowning I turned around. There in the door way stood Jai with his mouth hanging open and hand on the door nob. He's facial expression clearly told me that shock ran straight to his bones.

Taking his hand off the door nob he pointed to me. He closed his mouth then opened it again as though he wanted to say something but unfortunately for him no words came out. Instead he began opening and closing his mouth and looked surprisingly like a goldfish blowing bubbles underwater.

I laughed a him.

"HOLY SHIT YOUR ALIVE!!!" Jai yelled a me.

"Yes?" I answered confused. Of course I'm alive.

"But-but you nearly died from Cross's wounds!" Okay so now I was really confused. Cross's wounds? As if on cue my chest stabbed with pain. I gasped in pain and clutched my chest.

"Sadie are you all right?!" Jai now stood in front of me with his hand on my shoulders. Concern flashed in his blue eyes. I nodded my head not trusting my voice.

When the pain subsided I let my muscles relax. Let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding and stared at my hands. Then it hit me.

I sat in a bed with nothing on but a bandage and Jai stood right in front of me.

Oh Dear God!

Blood rushed to my cheeks as my eyes widened.

"Ummmm......... Jai?" I asked looking into his blue orbs.

"Yea?" He frowned at me.

"Ummmm..." I scratched the back of my neck in emmbarisment. "I'm........ not desent." I finally squeaked out. Frowning a me he scanned my lack of cloths. He cheeks flushed red and eyes widened. His gaze shot straight up to meet my gaze.

"Yea." I said awkwardly.

"I'm just gonna...... y'know." Jai said pointing to the door.

"Yea thats a good idea." I agreed with him. With that said Jai all but ran out the door.

Well that was mega awkward.

Not even 2 minutes later, a knock sounded at the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled to the person hoping it wouldn't be one of the boys. Luckily it wasn't a guys voice that answered. Instead a women's sounded through the door.

"Judith." Huh who's Judith?? Well Lets find out shall we?


"Oh yea you don't know who I am." Her laughter sounded through the door. "Sweetie my names Judith, the Healer."


"Um..... Can I come in?"

"Oh yea sure..." The door swung open and a women in about her mid forties. She had straight black hair that had been tucked behind her ears. Her electric blue eyes stared back at me filled with wisdom and a hint of sadness. Judith wore tan coloured pants and a long sleeved white blouse.

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