Chapter 1 - The Dream

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A loud bang shakes the whole house. It comes from down stairs. Without thinking, I run out of my bedroom and down the stairs.

Darkness has already consumed the Great Hall. Bright red flames are the only light and they dance throughout the room. The fragments of lights bounce of walls and windows.

Screams pierce the once deadly quietness. Bang! The house shakes with a violent force. It's like the Gods are mad at us and want us to die right here right now.

I fall to the floor and hit my head on something sharp. I reach my hand to where the pain throbs. My hand comes away thick and sticky with blood. I stare down at my hand in a trance. I've never been hurt before. Never seen my blood on my own hands before. I've seen blood, of course, when Liam fell from his horse and cut himself on the bushes beneath.

"Sadie!" I hear my mother's cries. I snap out of my trance and look around but I see nothing only the dancing flames before me.

"Sadie!" the cry comes again but I cannot find the source.

"Where are you?" I scream into the flames.

"Don't be afraid Sadie! The flames cannot harm you! As long as you wear the tear shaped crystal necklace, nothing can harm you! You are wearing it aren't you?"

"Yes Mother, I promised to never take it off!" I start running in the direction I heard the voice.

"Good Girl! Now Sadie, whatever happens always remember that I love you!" I find her in the next room staring at something unknown to me.

"Mother!" I call. She turns to face me, a sad smile on her face.

"Don't come any closer!" She pleads to me. I stop dead in my tracks. A confused expression plays on my face."Be brave child! Close your eyes darling!" However, I couldn't force my eyes shut. Then out of nowhere a black hooded figure comes out from the shadows. A blade held at his side. The blade sparkles in the flames lights making it look like a flame on its own. Mother turns to face the man head bowed.

"It's time," his voice booms through the room shaking the walls as though they are frightened of him. Mother just simply nods in answer. I stare at them in confusion.

Then in one quick movement, he throws the knife at Mother. I scream at my mother to move but she stands still...waiting. The knife pierces her in the heart and she crumbles to the ground. Tears sting my eyes as I race over to my motionless mother. Tears stream down my face as I cry for my mother's death. My heart aches to see her moving again, to comfort me with her soothing voice but she lies still...

I sit bolt upright. My heart races in my chest. I take slow breaths to slow my racing heart. Once I'm calm again, I look around my room and find my sheets all over the floor. Apart from that, the room seems to be in tacked. I reach up to my head where I had hit it but my hand comes away clean. I wipe my forehead with the bottom of my pyjama top. It comes away wet with sweat; it's then that I relax completely knowing fully that it was only a dream. More a nightmare really but I'm only glad it was finally over. I climb out of bed and walk over to the bathroom. Once inside I turn on the bath and soak in the lovely warm water. I close my eyes and forget all about the dream. Just as the water starts turning cold a knock sounds on the bathroom door.

"Who is it?" I call out to the knocker.

"It's Jaide Miss," The voice replies.

"Come in," I sing to my maid slash best friend in the world. The door opens and their standing with a big smile on her face is Jaide.

"Morning Miss," Jaide bows her head respectfully to me. I can't help but laugh. She looks up at me in confusion.

"You know better than to call me 'Miss' when we're alone," I smile at her.

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