Chapter 6 - Truth Hurts

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(Razor's POV)

I stared at her in amusement but kept my face stone so no one could read my emotions. I seemed to do that a lot lately.

I remember being a kid and being free of the snake but now he controls almost all my thoughts.

The Princess, Sandy I think it was, arrrggghh, who cares I'm on a mission I don't have time to learn the girls bloody name.

S-s-she is-s-s different. The snake's voice hissed throughout my head.

What do you mean? I spoke back. I stared at her from the corner of my eye. She lay fast asleep and looked so peaceful.

S-s-she bares-s-s the necklac-c-ce of a mermaid. I was still utterly confused and I knew he sensed it as well. The girl wears-s-s the necklac-c-ce of a very powerful mermaid. It's-s-s s-s-soul guides-s-s her .

Now it made sense. The girl wears a Mermaid's Tear necklace. One has not seen such a thing in many years. Although, it has been told in many legends.

What do you suppose I do? I knew what the snake wanted me to do but snake was gaining more and more control as I grew up. It's gotten to the point where I'm now having to ask for permission to do something. It was irritating at first but I grew use to it eventually.

Wait until the girl is-s-s safely in the temple. Then while s-s-she is-s-s s-s-sleeping, take the necklac-c-ce from her. Do not des-s-stroy it yet, I need to s-s-see her reaction.

Understood. I mentally nodded to the snake who flickered from sight.

I had to wonder what he meant by 'see her reaction' but I guess I'll be finding out very soon anyways.

The Princess had a very nasty temper which was going to be hell to control. Thank The Lord, it's only going to be another week until we reach the temple.

I scanned the forest around me listening for any sounds of attackers. I already knew no one would dare to come close to the 'Cursed One'. It was a stupid name but that's what I was known by.

Sighing I search the clearing where we were camped for the night. Even in the dark I could see clearly. It was strange really but I assumed that it was due to the snake.

My companions where all fast asleep around me. Jai though seemed to be waking to every animal sound, the girl must of given him quite a scare.

I remember the kid back at Crystal Cove. He was an orphan or more known as a Street Rat. Many kids where like him after the war, forced to steal from others just to get food.

I remembered his face, pale as a ghost and as skinny as a skeleton but he's healthier now which is good I guess. I shivered at the memory of him but pushed it away quickly.

Cross was very distant now but I think he sees some of his own daughter in the girl. He hasn't laughed so hard in his life except when he meet his wife and had a crazy little girl.

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