Chapter 10 - Everything is Explained

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Razor's POV

"Ah Sadie, it's been awhile hasn't it." Wait what?! It been awhile? What the hell is that supposed to mean. I looked over to Sadie. Her eyes were wide in shock.

So she did know him ...... but how is what I wanna know. I crossed my arms over my chest a glared at the man.

"No. It can't be you, can it?" Sadie's voice was shaking with obvious fear. Well that's not good.

"Oh Sadie, Sadie ,Sadie." The man said shacking his head at her. "I remember when you were younger. So full of innocence. Not a care in the world. So many wanted that necklace of yours, you know. I even wanted it. Many wanted to know how you survived the disease. The Black Death I believe it was called. So many children where killed from it. Every child who claimed the disease died, all but one. That is you Sadie. Once word got around that you have survived the Black Death, you became a target for the greedy." The man stood up from his throne and mad his way towards us. I grew tense but did not show it.

"All those greedy people tried to kidnap you but all failed. Even I failed, although I was the closet to capturing you. If it weren't for your brother I would have to." His voice turned to disgust at the mention of Sadie's brother. Well I guess I understand his hatred for him. The kidnapping must have taken months to plan out. Even our kidnapping took awhile to figure out.

"But know I relies that if it weren't for your brother you would never have been able to for fill the destiny that lies upon you know."

"And what is my destiny?" Sadie asked. Her curiosity was evident in her voice and eyes. Her eyes were a shade of violet I'd never seen before. Most where I between blue and purple but none had ever reached a full purple colour.

"Your destiny will be explained in a minute one you know the truth about you ancestors."

"What do you mean 'truth'?"

"Well first of all you all may want to sit down while I explain to you all what needs to be done. Follow me." With that he turned on his heel and headed towards what looked like a library. Okay so right now I was kind of curious to know more about the girls background but I had places to be, things to do and people to kill.

I cleared my throat loudly to draw the attention of the man. Which I still didn't know the name of. He turned to face me.

"I believe I have fulfilled your request of me and my comrades and as much as I would like to stay we have to get going." I turned on my heel as I was about to make my way towards the door a voice stopped me.

"Wait there young man," I mentally winced. I hated being called young man it just reminds me of what life used to be like and i wasn't even that young. Well actually was but it didn't feel like it. I felt older than I actually was because of the Snake. I'm nineteen but people mistake me for a thirty year old because of the way I act. Most men my age are immature and cocky, kind of like Jai.

I turned to face the man again raising my eyes in question.

"My request for you has not finished yet. You kidnapping Sadie was only the first step. Now if you'll all follow me please. I have some explaining to do." Greet just great. We all followed the man in to a library and took a seat while the man sat behind a desk facing us. His hands where knotted together as he rested his chin on them.

"Well?" I asked getting rather impatient. The man sighed but began to speak.

"First of all you should know that my name is Lucian Broredwood and as you may or may not have figured out is that I was one of many you tried to kidnap Sadie here." He glanced over at her apologetically. "You most likely have many question at the moment and I'll try to answer them as best as I can. Now fire away Sadie."

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