Chapter 11 - Pain

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"Ahhhh...... Guys?" I said staring wide eyes at the ruins. I felt the stares of Razor, Cross and Jai burning holes into my head. Okay let's get this straight WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE CASTLE SLASH BUILDING THINGY?!

"What!" Razor asked impatiently. Well he's a happy chappy, isn't he?

"Ummmmmm...... What happened to the castle slash building thingy?" I tried to keep my voice calm but fear dripped out unwillingly.

"T 'castle slash building thingy' as you called it, doesn't actually exist. It's surrounded by magic to serve one purpose. Which is to give you the quest to save the world." Sarcastic much. "So to anyone passing by it would look like we were disappearing into thin air. Understood?" Razor's monotone voice explained to me. Well that's just peachy.

Who knew the man was smarter than he looked. It also shocked me as it was the first time he's answered one of my questions and spoken more than two sentences. Wow the man's on a roll today.

Okay maybe I was being cruel but it's not like he can read minds. Or can he? No, don't think that Sadie you'll only scare yourself and have nightmares for the next two months. I mentally scowled myself. I nodded my head robotically. Turning I realized that tree me were hopping onto their horses about to leave.

"Hey! Wait for me!" I cried running as fast as my short legs could carry me.

"Hurry up women or we'll leave your slow ass behind!" I scowled at Jai's sooooo innocent joke. Please not the sarcasm. The little brat was getting on my nerves. Who knows how long I'll be spending with that ass now that we were going on a fricken quest together!

Hopping onto Jai's horse a thought struck me. How exactly was I supposed to stop this 'darkness' from destroying the world around me?

You'll know when the time comes, my dear. A sweet voice filled my mind.


It was a few hours after dusk. Leaving the small town in almost pitch black and looking like a ghost town. The full moon shone brightly on the cobble stone road and blue roofed houses. We'd been travelling none stop ever since our talk with Lucian.

Razor refused to stop until we reached an inn in the closest town. One good thing about that was I didn't have to sleep on the floor tonight! Yay! The bad thing is my butt was painfully cramping from sitting on the goddamn saddles for so long. Boo!

Finally, after what felt like years we arrived at the Locksville Inn. Voices and music could be heard from outside the building. In the darkness, I could see that the buildings windows were all boarded up and paint was beginning to crack from old age. Apart from that the Inn looked really cosy. Or so I thought.

Once the horses were tied up secularly, we entered the Inn. The first smell that hit me was the stench of alcohol. Drunken men and women littered the tables and floors. Some were trying to dance in the centre of the room but were having no luck. Men were screaming random stuff at the top of their lungs. Women were trying to get with any man possible.

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