Chapter 8 - Numb

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Yea so I kind of change the ending of the last chapter so u should read that before this cause then it will make more sense.


Pic to the side is of Conrad.

"Stop!" I screamed at Razor. The blade stopped millimeters from slicing Conrad's head off. Razor looked at me with confusion, so I continued.

"Please don't kill him, he was only following orders from the council. please just let him go," Razor nodded at me and I saw Conrad visibly sigh. But instead of just letting him run to his horse and going back home Razor did the annoying thing and hit Conrad over the head with the hilt of the sword knocking him out cold.

"Really?" I asked him. Razor just shrugged and began walking away from Conrad's limp body. Jai came over and cut the ropes, freeing me finally. I ignored my stiff back and legs and began walking numbly back to the horses. With one last glance at Conrad I became emotionless.

Tears stung my eyes at seeing his limp body but I pushed them back.

All I could feel was numbness.

No emotions.


The world was continuing on its own but I was stuck in time. My vision blurred as very Colour from green to blue merged to one mess of colours.

Every sound was muffled, as though I was hearing things underwater. My vision started to blacken as I traveled down the tunnel to nothingness.

Soon all blurred colours and muffle sounds vanished as I enter the nothingness. I welcomed the blackness like a warm blanket but it only left me cold inside....

I was traveling back out of the tunnel of blackness, towards the light. I didn't want to go back but part of me was nagging that the world needed me to awake. For whatever reason that maybe.

My eyes fluttered open to see the stars blinking down at me. The sky was coloured black from the setted sun.

My ears were ringing softly and a dull ache throbbed in the back of my mind.

The ringing stopped and I was met with the peaceful sounds of hotting owls and the singing og cicarters. The crackling fire could be heard over the sounds of rustling trees and the swaying sound of long grass.

I sat up slowly. I now faced the crackling as it danced in the winds. The red dancing flames brought back memories of what i had lost back at the palace. Images of bright red flames burning through the halls of the palace struck first. then came the images of my smiling family after I had finished the dance back in the Great Hall.

Tears brimed my eyes as the thought of everything I loved was now a pile of ruble and ashes.

My mother, Everlynn, came to my mind next. Her sad smile filled my mind and her last words echoed in my head. 'Be brave child! Close your eyes!'

Guilt comsumes me as I thought of was I could have prevented the death of my mother. But no I just stood there and watched her fall to the ground with that monsters knife stuck in her chest.

Next came my Father, Lucius, he was a distant man but I loved him none the less. I remember when I first learnt to ride a horse at the age of ten and his smiling face and sparkling eyes showing me he was proud.

Liam, always the one making sure I was okay after benefits with the other kingdoms. He was always there to help me when I was feeling down or when I had first fallen of my horse, Chestnut.

Brooke and Carrisa, they always taught me what was right or wrong when growing up. The things I should be doing when guests arrived and left. What was the appropriate behavior. How to dance gracefully and sometime they even taught me how to steal from the kitchen without getting caught.

I remember when I first stole from the kitchen, Carrisa had said 'I was a natural 'cause I was light on my feet'. I remember those days as though they were yesterday.

But now everyone's gone. There's no Liam to ask if I'm okay. No Brooke or Carrisa to tell me was wrong and what's not. No Everlynn to cheer me up from my nightmares. No Lucius to smile at me when he's proud. No no one.

All I have now are the memories of them imprinted forever in my mind.

A searing pain brings me out of my thoughts. Blinking my eyes once, twice, three times to regain my focus. I see my hands clenched into fists and my nails are digging into the palm of my hands drawing blood.

I wince at my now throbbing hands. I unclench my fists and to reveal crimson half moons dotting my palms. I whip away the blood on the grass so the blood didn't stain my hands.

I lay down and stared at the blacked sky before my eye lids grew heavy and I fell into a deep sleep one again.

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