Chapter 17 - Tests From Joy

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The candle light flickered out but the symbols on the wall did not fade away. Instead they expanded until they joined together and turned the cave walls into a mixture of green, blue and purple. I walked towards the back of the cave and placed my hand onto the wall.

My marking on my arms lit up with the same colours. I took my hand away but the markings stayed. I placed my hand back onto the wall and the swirls of colours that lit the markings up, faded to be part of the wall again.

I laughed joyfully. This was the coolest thing ever. But the question the remained in my head was, 'where are we?' I could not answer that question cause I did not know.

The swirls dance for a minute as the boys and I just watched in amazement. Suddenly they began to shrink smaller and smaller where my hand once was. In a matter of ten seconds the swirls of colour was just a blob on the wall.

Razor, Cross, Jai and I stared at the blob waiting for something to happen. The blob began to grow brighter and bright every second until all of us had to turn away from it because it was to bright.

After what felt like a decade the cave was coated in blackness again. We all turned back to where the blob was and noticed a flash of gold.

"Light the candle again." Razor demanded. Cross lit the candle quickly. We all walked over to where we saw the flash of gold. There on the wall was writing.

"What sort of language is this?" Jai asked everyone, "It's nothing I've ever seen before..."

"That's because you grew up on the street idiot." Cross chuckled at Razors comment. The three began to bicker amongst themselves but I tuned them out. I started at the words carefully. There were ten lines of some sort of language.

Mentally, I thought of all the languages I had learnt at school growing up.





That's it!

It's Latin!

Of course, now I remember the book on mermaids I read when I was little. Mermaids spoke Latin in their kingdom but spoke English whenever we needed their help.

Now think Sadie what does it say....

The bickering boys kept me distracted from translating it.

"WOULD YOU BE QUIET ALL OF YOU! I CAN'T THINK!" The boys instantly shut their mouths, "Thank you. Now I can start translating this thing."

"Wait you know what it says?" Jai asked.

"Yes. It's in Latin. All the old texts are in Latin so I had to learn the language. Now shut up." I growled at him, "Okay it say this...

'Iustus Colorum In via.

Et iratus est illicitum.

Liber de spiritu et salva iugiter perstillantia.

Tolle recta via, nec deerunt.

Quis erit electus.

Allatusque est lapis unus, ad tempus.

Gaudium erit nisi in proelio.

Videtur quod non semper sit videtis.

Et vide quid est praeteriti, extra quod est infra.

Lorem ipsum Jade fine cuniculum obscurationem.'

"Ummm now I have to translate it. Does anyone have paper?"

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