Chapter 12 - Kidnapped Once Again

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Razor's POV

What the hell?! One minute everything is fine and dandy and the next a blood curdling scream fills the air. It wakes everyone in a matter of seconds.

Jai, Cross and I all dash out of our positions to pull free our weapons but no danger is around the room. I frown before realizing that Sadie is still screaming her head off. We all dash over to the side of her bed to see what's wrong. Jai pulls her blanket off in search of new injures but once again nothing.

From the corner of my eye, I see that Cross start to panic slightly. Even I'm starting to panic a little. At the head of the bed, Jai is frantically yelling her name over and over again but there is no response. Jai shakes her shoulders to get her to snap out of whatever trance she's under.

Cross and I begin shouting her name in hopes of her responding but nothing happens. I look at Sadie's eyes and do a double take. What the hell? Are they... No, it's not possible. I shake my head of all thoughts and focus on trying to grab Sadie's attention. Tears run down the side of her face and into the pillow beneath. Her hands have turned white from gripping the mattress so tightly. Her screams still feel the air along with the shouts of her name. I'm surprised that people haven't started to come and complain about all the noise yet.

"Wait guys stop for a second!" I shout over all the noise to grab everyone's attention. Cross and Jai turn to face me with confused gazes. I ignore their stares and take a closer look at Sadie's eyes. Sure enough, they had changed colour. What once was a bright purple, now was a vibrant orange. They shone in the dark light.

I also noticed that her hair had reddened to a fire orange. My eyes travelled to her neck where the Mermaid's Tear lay. It shone orange to match her eyes. Well that's new. Sadie's arms caught my attention next. Vine like patterns ran from her shoulders all the way down her arms and raped around each finger, only ending when they reached the tips of her fingers. The patterns pulsed with an orange light.

I frowned in confusion. What in the world was happening to her? All different kinds of thoughts filled my head at one but only one stood out to me. Didn't Lucian say that the Mermaid's Tear had healing properties? Yes, that's it. The necklace was healing her. Well only one way to find out. With that thought fresh in my mind, I moved my way towards her left foot. Unwinding the bandage was easy.

My eyes widened as I watched all the muscles, tendons and tissue sowing itself back together. No wonder she's screaming so bad. That has to hurt immensely.

Suddenly Sadie's screamsstoped and she fell limp. The air became completely silent. In the blink of an eye, the wound sealed with no evidence of there ever being a wound there. Not even a white scar left behind. My hand gently reached out to touch where there once was a bloody wound. My hand touched smooth skin. I was stunned speechless I didn't even notice the shocked gasps from my comrades around me.

I looked up the see that Sadie was now peacefully sleeping, completely oblivious to her surroundings. I looked over my shoulder to find Jai's stunned expression.

"Is.... What... Not.... Impossible... How... Way...." He couldn't seem to form a sentence even if his life depended on it. I looked over to Cross to see an equally stunned face. His mouth was opening and closing like a goldfish. For some odd and weird reason I found it incredibly hilarious and couldn't help but let out a deep rumble of laughter. If filled the unearthly silence that had swept across the room ever since Sadie went mute.

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