{Chapter 1 - I'm Normal I Swear}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-
I was sound asleep until I heard a Tumblr notification go off. I picked my head up off of my solid, wooden desk in my groggy state. My eyes fluttered open looking at the bright screen of my computer. I winced at the sudden light change. I groaned and shook my mouse, waking up my computer. I read the clock to the side of my keyboard. It read 3:36am. I straightened up my posture in my chair and groaned. My put my hand on my back because of the soreness I felt.

"God damn it. I fell asleep at my desk again." I thought to myself. It was a long night of editing my one hour video for my YouTube channel, Jacksepticeye. It has a pretty large following. I don't know how, it just happened. It's my job, my life and the only thing keeping me from totally going insane. I am a small amount of crazy, though. We won't go there.

I haven't received a healthy amount of sleep in days.
Scratch that.
It's been months.

I read the notification pop-up. This should be interesting. "AddisonMcloughlin has tagged you in a post." I chuckled at the fact she put her first name with my last name. It was like she wanted to marry me. I honestly do not see why. It's not clear in my eyes.

I saw many more notifications but the girl in the profile picture caught my eye. The circular shaped photo on her blog showed her and Markiplier smiling brightly. Mark was one of my best friends I recorded videos with. His red hair and bright brown eyes were hard to miss. Her header picture was a picture of me with my favorite beanie. The color of her page was green with a light blue accent. It was a cool color combination.

Usually I didn't get many social media notification during this time at night. I open this fan's post and it revealed something completely beautiful in it's own way. She spray on painted a wall, in Ireland, a portrait of myself and Septiceye Sam. It looked like it was on the side of a house. My hair was the drawn the perfect shade of green and my face was structured like I was smiling and looking happy. Sam had glasses and had my classic grey hat on. It was the definition of perfection. I was so grateful. I then realized I knew where that building was.

It was in Ireland! This is perfect! She must live here. That's my guess.

It was captioned:
"For Jack...
I love you Jacksepticeye. Here's a present from me to you. Hope you enjoy :3."

"Holy freaking cow," I said to myself, "she has some talent."

I immediately liked the post and reblogged it captioning it:
"Haha I love this! You've got some talent, pretty girl."

Yes, I called her pretty. Will I regret it? Probably, when everyone posts about it and the hate rolls in. Now? Not one bit.

I explored her blog some more. It was filled with posts about myself and Mark. An hour past by and I looked around my apartment. I saw the same old things. I was always in my recording room. I'm so alone. I'm sick and tired of feeling so cold, lonely and dark in this place. I hear every creek in this place. I sometimes heard voices I knew weren't real. It's a living hell. The only friends I have are only over the Internet and I don't see them as often as I would like. I wiped my bloodshot eyes before the tears threatened spilled.

I'm so alone. Sometimes I wish I could vanish. Having millions of subscribers do not fill in for the people close to you in your regular life sometimes. I do love all of them, but I feel isolated.

I shook my head. My head pounded from not getting the sleep my body technically needed to be able to function. I coughed and I ran my hand through my faded green hair. I could feel the frizz growing on my finger tips from sleeping on it.

My mind thought so many things. The depression I felt messed with my thought process.

I should change this. I'm sleep deprived and ready to do some thing completely insane. Knowing she was a fan, I knew she'd be putty in my hands.

I got out of my chair and went to the bathroom. I stumbled to the room down the hall. My hand turned the cold, golden handle. I pulled the door and flipped the light switch on. I moved my aching body to the mirror. My eyes looked dark and mean. I smiled at my reflection.

I turned the sink on and let the water run in my hand, forming a small puddle. Then, I splashed the cool water on my face. I instantly felt a bit better. I sighed and turned the sink off. I left my bathroom and headed back to my recording room.

I sat back down in my rolling office chair and clicked the follow button on Addison's page. She has a pretty name in my opinion. I chuckled to myself with an amazing idea in my mind. This could be risky, but risk is something I never took. It's about time I looked risk straight in the face. I clicked "follow" and my plan began.

We all go a little crazy right? I'm normal, I swear.

They call me Antisepticeye for a reason,
sometimes. Let's meet him, shall we?


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