{Chapter 12 - It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

The sound of my scream filled the room I was sleeping in. I wiped my tears from my eyes with my shaking hands. My head flashed images of the nightmare I just had. Darkness was all around my body. I have cuts, sores, bruises. You name it, I have it. I groaned and said to myself, "Great another nightmare. That's the fifth night this week."

My head started to ache as I rose from my bed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and I set my feet on the ground. My hand reached for the handle of the door. The floor boards made a noise when I took steps toward the guest room. I can't handle anything anything anymore.

I walked into the room where Mark and Addison were sleeping. I started getting jealous when I saw them. Mark was laying down on his back. His face didn't look happy and peaceful. It was more like he could punch something at any moment. His head rested perfectly on Addison's. She was snuggled up close to him. She looked so comforted and I could see the old tears that lines her cheeks shining in the moonlight.

Anger suddenly took over my actions. "Get the hell up!" I screamed while standing above them. I felt powerful as I had a vantage point over them. My voice sounded a bit raspy and broken.

Addison's eyes flew open and her pupils adjusted to the lack of light in the room. She looked up at me and held on even tighter to Mark's now awake and alert body. Tears threatened to spill. I'm a mess and my emotions are all out of control. I guess I'm a little unsteady.

"What could you possibly want?" Mark spoke for the both of them. Addison just looked at me with sad eyes. The despair she was feeling was probably as bad as mine. If she felt the same way I did, she'd want to stay with me. Right?

Mark's bright and joyful brown eyes were now filled with a mix of sadness, betrayal and anger. I looked at him. His eyes grew in size.

"Jack, you look broken. Let us go, we can help you. Please." He offered with sincerity in his voice.

I chuckled while saying, "You'll both just get out as fast as you can just like everyone else in my life. I'm crazy and you don't want to be around me." I turned to the wall opposite of where they were laying so they didn't see my tears streaming down my face. The pounding in my head caused me to grab my messed up green hair. I felt like I was going to pull it out of my head.

I heard someone get up. It was Addison. She turned me around so I was facing her. "You need help, Sean." I could tell she hates me but was willing to help. Her eyes showed me everything going on in her pretty little head.

I shook my head. "You'll run away. I just know you will." The sound of my voice made me cringe. My eyes felt heavy.

She sighed and sat back down next to Mark. I threw them the food and water they need to live and started to walk out. Addison muttered something that sounded like 'thank god.' I was about to open the door but something stopped me. I heard Mark say something on my way out.

"I really like you, Addy." My body snapped around. He looked in her eyes.   She looked back at him and was about to respond. I felt like she was going to say the same to him. Her body sat across from him. They way they looked at each other made me more alert. They looked perfect together. Feelings of jealousy and frustration filled my body. My mind was clouded with anger. I ran with all my might toward his position. Before I knew it, I was on top of Mark. My fists were collided with his face, torso and neck area. I heard Addison screaming her head off, begging me to stop. Mark couldn't use his hands because of the restraints keeping them tied. He turned his body and the force whipped me off.

His face was oozing with blood and bruises started to form. His eyes told me he was going to hurt me, and enjoy it. I was breathing heavy as I got off my butt. Addison tried to calm him down but it didn't work so well. A few curse words were shared.

Before I could get out of the room, Mark kicked my feet from under me. It caused me to fall on to my back. I felt the floor combine with my body. A slight pain pinged in my back. If looks could kill, Mark's stare would murder me.

My eyes snapped to his now free hands. His fist was much bigger than mine and could probably knock me out in one punch. The adrenaline pumping in my body allowed me to get up and get into a fighting stance. He swung at me and I barely dodged the swing.

"Mark, cut it out! Jack! You stop it too!" She made her was over to us and got in between us. She was in between us, physically and emotionally. I stopped but Mark was in the middle of a punch.

I heard the collision of his fist on her head. His eyes were wide and regret filled them.

"We should stop fighting," I said, "Get her into the bed." Mark nodded his head and I walked out of the room. I grabbed some of the left over drugs and put them into a coffee cup for Mark. I filled it with coffee and planned to give it to him. I chuckled at the little plan I have. He'll be knocked out in no time. I also collected some ice for Addison's head.

It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt.

Hey laddiesss. How ya doin?
Sorry this is shorter than usual. I have some stuff to do.

Anyway love you all! Thanks for reading.

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