{Chapter 39 - Bleeding and Confused}

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-=Robert's Point of View=-

My thumbs twiddled on my screen, typing letters to form a sentence before pressing send. A green haired, internet famous, psychopath Irishman would be on the other side of the message. I put the ball in his court, waiting for a response. All that mattered to me was that he had Addison. I could just walk up to his house and demand him to let her go but I think she wants to stay. She would have left already if it was a desire to leave.

Addison, you idiot!

I don't know what happened to the smart and independent woman I've know my whole life. She didn't need anyone but her friends and herself. Addy knew who was good for her and who was not. I've fallen in love with that Addison. Not the blinded one with a kidnapper in his apartment willingly. He took her away from me.

This "Jacksepticeye" was going to pay.

My finger tip pressed down on the power button. I felt my muscles tense as I shut my phone off and rested my body against the back of the couch in my living room. The bags under my green eyes grew as the clock ticked later into the night. The night grew darker and darker as the time went on.

I turned my head toward the clock on my now turned on phone. The white numbers read 3:37am. I rolled my eyes as I rose from the comfortable couch. Something made me want to take a walk and enjoy the early morning. My ankles made a cracking noise as I walked toward the closet beside the front door. My hands felt the rough fabric on my sneakers as I took them from their place. They were slipped onto my feet. My Ninja Sex Party sweatshirt kept me warm as the cold air from the outside hit my skin. The door slammed behind me.

As I walked down the shady street, I kept my hands in my blue jean's pockets. The space in front of me was barely visible, thanks to the lack of street lights or lamps. Stones and pebbles rolled away from my path as I kicked them away. Multiple colored leaves blew off the trees and onto the shabby colored and paved road. They lightly crunched under my shoes as I kept moving. I watched the empty street remain unchanged while my life has taken a complete turn. Sounds of the wind howling in the distance met my ears. My mind played tricks on me, letting myself believe Addison was walking beside me like we used to do.

Her laugh replayed in my head. My jokes might have been lame but they meant everything to her. A smile wouldn't be present on that face if you didn't somehow lift Addison's spirits. What do you expect? She lost her mother. I wouldn't be able to keep it together.

I kept rethinking my life choices for what felt like another twenty minutes. It's not my fault I'm a maniac. I sighed and kept moving down the endless street. I was at least a mile away from my house.

My steps became much more fast pace as I heard footsteps crash down on the floor in front of me. As I kept moving the other way, my heartbeat raced in my chest. No one was ever out at this time of day. My mind automatically went to the worst. I'm probably going to be murdered.

The mystery person was keeping up with me. My fight or flight mode has kicked into gear. I picked flight, obviously, and ran into the woods since it was closest hiding spot available.

My feet ghosted upon the forest floor as I flew through between the trees. I could feel them chasing me, the sound of my heartbeat filled my ears, my instincts screaming at me to do nothing in particular, and adrenaline pumping like ice in my veins. Fear filled my body like blood pumped through my veins. This was the hunt, and I was the prey. I payed no mind to my direction, escaping being the only thing that mattered. The ground below me was uneven, making life so much harder. Every crack and bump caused me to almost slip, losing precious time. A variety of curse words slipped from my mouth as I tripped. Tiny twigs and broken branches dug into my skin, leaving marks that I would see later. The scratched stung and I felt blood pool in my jeans. The adrenaline acted as a pain killer.

I was and felt so vulnerable, I couldn't get that thought out of my head.

In these moments I questioned if I did the right thing. I was in no shape to fight the mystery person. I didn't know what I was up against. My animalistic instincts, burried deep down beneath the morals and etiquette associated with humanity, were pulsing through me like a second heartbeat. Why me? Why did I take this walk?

I could not fight, I could not hide. I did not know how much longer I could keep running, I could sense them behind me, rapidly catching up to me. Before I knew it, a manly figure appeared above me. The dim moonlight lit up their body and their body only. The moon was blocked since their body was hovering over mine, waiting to take their prey.

They found me.

I refused to cry and let the emotions flood out of my body like an uncontrollable dam. My eyes felt even more heavy. Tears pooled in the corners since I thought I was going to die.

I felt like I was in a movie. Everything seemed so surreal, as if I was a character in an author's made up fantasy. I scooted away from the figure. My body moved backward but they just kept walking toward me. Breaths of confusion, fear and anger were released from my lungs.

I resorted to begging for mercy. Sad, right?

"Why are you here? Leave me alone. Please." My words barely made it out of my dry and chapped lips.

"We finally meet, Robert." A familiar but also strange Swedish voice filled my ears.

"How do you know my name?" I rested in the dirt and leaves that lined he forest floor. I felt the water from the past rainfall seep into my clothing.

"Let's just say your Tumblr username wasn't very discrete." He chucked maliciously, like he was smarter than me. "I suggest you stop messaging Jack if you know what's good for you." Their shadow appeared on the ground since the light from the moon shined from above.

"What? How do you know? You're in on it, aren't you? Let Addison go!" I realized he must have seen her.

The mystery man chuckled, deep and loud. "Oh, poor Robert. You don't know that Addison is independent and chooses to stay with Jack? Since I'm staying with them I've noticed they've gotten," he paused to think, "closer these days. I'll just say they've already had their first kiss." His laugh filled my ears.

I tightly gripped the broken branched beneath me. Jealousy pumped through me. They've kissed? And she wanted it? Now the tears spilled down my cheeks.

My break down was interrupted by the sound of a switch blade being flipped open. The sharp metal was put near my arm, and swiped across. The familiar feeling of burning met my nerves. I screamed since the pain felt so sharp. Blood trickled down my arm and onto the ground.

"Want this to not become worse? Then I think you should leave Jack alone. He's finally happy. If you ruin that, I'll ruin you. Have a nice rest of your night, Robert." The sound of cracking twigs echoed around the woods.

I was left there, bleeding and confused.


Hey my fellow readers! WHASSUP?!

How's everyone doing? Hopefully better than me :D.

Hope everyone is still enjoying the story. I wanted to spice it up with Robert's POV. CRAZY!

I bet you can guess who the mystery man was. I made it obvious ;).

Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for the continued support. It honestly still blows me away. Love you all!

Have a nice day / night!

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