{Chapter 55 - You're Not Free}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

I slapped her.

Why, you ask?

My patience was running out and my temper was flaring. Jack and her together made my feelings tingle in unhealthy ways. Rage boiled and ran through out my entire body. I barely had a chance to think of my actions. The only thought running through my head was getting her to realize what the hell she was doing. How could one person have so much stupidity?

I pursed my lips and raised my hand back. I threw my hand forward as hard as I could, whipping it across her face. The crack of skin contacting skin echoed around the air of the street. I felt my hand collide with her soft cheek. I removed my hand from Addison's now irritated skin. Vibrations of pain started in my palm and spread all the way to my finger tips and nails. My palm was bright red, the same red mark that matched the one on her face. She stared at me with her eyes wide as her hand slowly made it to her fire red cheek. Her mouth dropped in disbelief of my actions. After another fifteen seconds of staring at each other, a single tear rolled down her cheek.

I should've felt some kind of remorse. But I didn't at all. Not one bone in my body could produce guilt for my actions. "Why are you with him?" I asked, ignoring the fact I just laid a hand on Addison.

She shook her, again in disbelief. Her mouth opened but I interrupted the words from spilling out of her mouth. "Don't you think he's just trying to get in bed with you? Or use you to fill the emptiness and gap in his life? He'd take any girl that would do the job. Jack didn't pick you for your personality or who you are. He just needs someone to do the trick. It's not like you slept with him already, right?" My eyes stared right through her. Again, Addy's mouth opened, but this time it closed and a look of guilt washed over her face. It's almost the same one as a child who did something wrong or knew they shouldn't have done something.

"You slept with him, didn't you?" I asked the question that kept the tension in the air. Only the answer could snap it right in half.

"Yes, I did Mark. Still, that doesn't give you to slap me. What the hell? That's not okay! What's your problem?" She spilled the word that I didn't want to hear.


"You fucked up." I rose from the ground. "He's got you wrapped around his hairy little finger. You gave him what he wanted and now you can't stop. You have been from the beginning. Addison, you think you're free from his kidnapping and power. But guess what? You're not free."

I expected her to come back at me with this whole speech on how Jack is a changed man. Instead, I received a sad glance. She then adverted her eyes from mine and looked to the ground. She knows I'm right. I got her thinking. Addison sobbed a few times while keeping her head down. A triumphant grin spread across my face and with a flick of my hair, I whirled on my heel and marched away. I never looked back to see her watch me leave. I walked into the distance like a champion.

I had won.

"Mark, wait!" Addison called from behind me which caused me to jump a little. At first I wasn't going to turn around, but something caused me to answer her call. I expected her to say I was right and jump into my arms. She would be mine.

"What?" I simply answered Addison. My body turned around to politely face her from down the street. I smirked slyly since I had this whole scenario planned out in my head.

"Fuck off." She smiled followed by flipping me off. Addison had the same walk I did moments ago. It was confident, joyful and like a champion. I watched with my mouth wide open as her hips swayed back and forth in the other direction.

Well, damn.

I scratched the back of my head and turned back around. I decided not to regret the words that spilled out of my mouth. They were all true in my opinion. Either Addison is just annoyed with me and thinks that's complete bull or she knows I'm right and doesn't want to admit it.

My eyes rolled involuntarily since the stupidity level was through the roof and the scale. I jammed my hands into my pockets and kept walking down the street to no where particular. The crisp but humid Ireland air hit against the skin, leaving me feeling gross for some reason. All I wanted was to take a shower.

Almost on queue, rain started pouring from the clouds above me. Classic Ireland at its finest. The rain drop started to cover my skin and my only clothing. I scuffed at the thought of having wet socks on. I never enjoyed having my feet wrapped in damp fabric. The water sloshed around in my shoes as I kept walking down the endless street.

The water surges around my body, encasing me completely with it's cool and smooth touch. The water on my skin that at first felt only a smidgen cold, has turned to full on biting! My skin begins to sting, turning a bright red from the harsh caress of the liquid. I decide at this moment to sit and take off my jacket. I lay it on top of my head while a few shimmering droplets still clinging to my eyelashes. I can see the when I look straight or above. I shivered when the wind howled by me and onto my skin.

I laid down on the solid and uncomfortable curb in hopes I can just lay here and sleep since I have no where else to go and no money for a hotel room. Never in my life have I felt this hopeless and poor. It made me realize I have so much to be grateful for. I closed my eyes, seeing the darkness of the back of my eyelids. Before I could drift off into sleep, a pair of headlights shone into my eyes followed by the sound of tires screeching.

I looked up and noticed a woman get out of their car to where my body was laying. "Sir? Are you okay?" Her eyes were crystal blue and her hair was blonde. I almost got lost in her interesting eyes. They gave me the most concerned look I have ever seen. I picked my body up and sat up. A wet stain from where I was laying was proof I was sopping wet. I felt a pain go down my spine and into my back. I groaned before stretching out my back.

"Oh, yeah, I guess." I lied in hopes she wouldn't ask why I was completely soaked and sleeping on a curb. She gave me a weird look while studying my facial features. I took off the jacket on my head and set it down next to us, revealing my messy and unkept red hair. The water dripped down my forehead and to my nose. Something about my hair made her eyes look like they realized something.

"I know you're lying. Do you need somewhere to stay?" Her eyebrows furrowed as she offered me a hand to stand up. I nodded in embarrassment since I did not want to be on this street anymore. My hand interlocked with her's as I used her for support to stand on my feet. My knees felt tired from all the random wondering.

"Why would you let a soaking wet stranger into your home?" I asked, honestly confused at her thinking. I could be an axe murderer for all she knows.

"You aren't a stranger to me. You're Markiplier. I know Jack and he recommended your videos to me." She shrugged lightly. "My name is Leona, by the way." Leona had the brightest smile, even in the darkness and dim lighting of the road. She was wearing a work uniform and her hair was tied into a smooth ponytail.

"Oh, I see. Thanks for watching me, by the way. As you probably know, I'm Mark. Nice to meet you." I returned the kind and casual greeting along with a smile with my teeth showing. I followed her to her car.

I stopped myself before climbing in. "I don't want to get your seats all wet." I was concerned for the condition of her car.

"Don't worry about it, Mark." She tapped on the seat, motioning me to sit down. I nodded and thanked her before sitting down. I felt the heat from the vent warm my entire body. I thanked her again for letting me stay with her.

I kind of like her.


Hey friends!

So, did you expect what Mark did?

I tried to make it different from what most would think. He didn't kiss her lmao.

Anyway, who do you ship together? I want to get some names. Comment and I'll choose what I think would work best! :)

Have a nice day / night.


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