{Chapter 59 - Forced}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

My tied hands rose from my lap to attempt push to push Robert away from my position. I didn't desire to have his lips locked onto mine. I shook my head back and forth vigorously to try another way of getting him the hell off me. I heard my biological father exit and shut the door behind him as if his work here was done.

"You don't corporate, Jack won't live to make another YouTube video."

Robert held my head in place with his two hands. He kissed me harshly, while I stayed frozen in his grasp. The kiss was forced and sloppy. No love or passion was put into it unlike Jack's kisses. He wanted it to be real, but I just couldn't join in on the messed up fantasy. Robert wrapped both arms around my back, probably hoping that with time, I would come around and feel the same way. But obviously I just wasn't buying it. I felt his fingers dig into my lower back. A small amount of pain shocked my senses. I realized he was willing to hurt me just to get what he wants.

Only two things were running through my head. The bitter memories with Robert and how much I missed Jack. I'm realizing how much I under appreciate my time with Jack. It's when someone becomes a part of you in a way, and you want their presence and there's so many reminders of them or how they are around you when they aren't around. It's that feeling where you go to say their name, but they aren't there. You make that funny joke, but no one gets it and you realize he's the only one who would laugh. You're driving, and think to go to their house, but you know they aren't home. It's that time when you can't seem smile but soon remember they are the only one who could make you happy.

"Let me out! I need her." Jack's screams from the other room were laced with painful whimpers and sobs. "Fuck! He's going to hurt her and I'm not going to be there to protect her. Let me the hell loose or hell will be let loose." His words were followed by a loud thump. The tears welled up in my eyes finally broke free since I knew he was just gashed with a slap to the face.

My normally calm and pleasant demeanor slowly changed and and I felt my face contorted in an all consuming anger. With my nostrils flaring, my eyes flashing along with closing multiple times and my dry mouth quivering, I broke free from the kiss. Robert was leaning over me while I was sitting against the wall. It gave me a perfect shot at his lower region. He made the mistake of not tying my legs down with restraints.

"Remember when I scored the winning goal in my football match?" I asked Robert who looked like he could punch a wall. I assumed it was because I broke away from his kiss forced and desperate smooch.

"Uh, yeah? Why the hell does that even matter right now?" The pale cheeks on his face contorted into a confused expression. I kept my smile as innocent as possible.

"Well, it went a little like this." I raised my leg with extreme force until my foot collided with his lower region. His body seemed to fly backward away from me and bend down after doing so.

Robert's voice couldn't form any coherent words. Confidence flowed through me like never before. Grunts and screams of pain was music to my ears. I took advantage of this situation by standing up on my feet. I wobbled a bit before regaining my balance.

"And she scores. The crowd goes wild!" I chuckled before bending down near the drawer near me. I internally thanked Jack for leaving a letter opener in this room since he was going through his mail in here. Before Robert could pull himself together, I used the sharp edge to cut the restraints. I rubbed my wrists together like the criminals do in the movies. I slipped the sharp letter opener into my back pocket before making my way over the devil himself.

My hands closed into fists and I crouched forward, daring him to repeat once more the words that had torn my heart into fragments.

"Oh, so Jack won't live to make another YouTube video?"

Then I let go with a right uppercut to the head that sent him flying from one side of the room to the other at what seemed like the speed of light. His body made contact with the opposite wall and he slid to the floor like a heavy sack of flour. Damn, I was good. He wasn't expecting that so he flew back even farther than a normal person would.

Robert rose from the ground slowly but surely. "I regret taking you to those boxing lessons a few years ago, but damn that was hot." His eyes were filled with revenge and a hint of lust. Was this his kink of some shit? I think this is my cue to leave.

Fuck this shit I'm out.

"You'll regret a lot more than that, Robert." I ran to the door and attempted to turn the doorknob open. It was locked from the other side.

"How the hell?" I whispered to myself.

"Not so fast. The fun has only begun." Robert's chuckle felt like nails to the chalkboard.

You thought it would be that easy?


Hey guys! Sorry I've been so busy. I'll be updating more often. School has just been a mess, honestly.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Thank you so much for 300 followers. That's so nuts. I'm so grateful AHH!

Have a nice day / night.

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