{Chapter 41 - Breath of Relief}

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-=-Addison's Point of View-=-

The strong smell of chlorine burned my nose as the laughter of small children filled my ears. The humidity in the large room was through the roof, while the wet floor seemed to seep into my flip flops. If the word 'fun' could be represented by a place, this was it. This was heaven to someone who didn't have much of a childhood.

I took it all in with a towel resting on my shoulder. The slides had water trickling down, leading down to a clear pool. Never in my life have I squealed so loudly. Sean's light chuckle echoed around me from behind.

"Let's go swimming!" I clapped my hands together and began to fast walk toward an open table. I followed the rule that told me to not run. Plus, I don't really want to fall on my face.

"Alright, just run away from me then." I heard Sean mumble. I don't think he meant for that comment to be that loud. I turned my body, still moving forward, and stuck my tongue out at him. We reached a table and he had a smirk on his cute, little face.

"Okay, Addy. Stand over the edge of the pool and look at the bottom. It's a must when coming to a water park." Sean instructed while setting his belongings down. I was confused, but he must know what he's doing.

"Alright, I trust you." I shrugged while pulling my shirt over my head and onto the chair next to me. I fixed my bun since it got caught on my shot. I did the same with my shorts which slid off my legs. Flip flops were next.

Sean took his shirt off, revealing his toned but pale torso. It wasn't over done. He was a hairy guy, so hair lined his stomach and reached his v-line. I sucked in a sudden breath when this reminded me of the dream I had recently. How could one man be so attractive? It beats me.

"Staring, much?" Jack interrupted my drooling. Like every cliché interaction like this one, I blushed.

"Nope!" I ran over to the pool side to escape his ego. I looked over the edge like he told me earlier. My toes hung over the edge while the rest of my foot kept me balances on the pool ledge.

Blue water stared back at me. The off-white colored flooring looked rough but inviting at the same time. I didn't find anything special like Sean made it seem.

"I was actually kidding. There's nothing cool about looking into the pool. I just wanted to do this." Sean diabolically laughed. I felt two hands against my back, pushing me forward into the chilly pool below. I submerged into the water, feeling it enter my nose and out my mouth. My feet pushed my body upward, while my lungs let out loud coughs.

"Sean! I swear to whatever is up in the sky I will kill you." I growled, obviously angry at this green haired man. His joyful laughs filled my ears while he sat on the edge of the pool deck.

"You're," he paused to breath since he was laughing so hard, "face! You should have seen it! Oh, gosh, I love you." He said while looking at me with passionate eyes.


"Wait, what?" I questioned him, looking for answers.

"Uh, never mind that. Let's go swimming or something." He avoided my question. I ignored what he said since I didn't want it to be awkward the rest of the trip. I swam around while he approached the pool.

Jack slipped in and made a quiet splashing noise. His muscles tensed up because of the temperature of the water, but quickly relaxed. A smile erupted on his face, like the seven year old he truly is.

The next forty-five minutes consisted of splashing, swimming races and Jack holding me in the water. I rested my head on his bare shoulder, hearing his shallow breaths against my ear. I wrapped my arms around to his back and held on tight. He did the same, making me feel safe in his arms. I could get used to this. Jack walked around in the water, keeping me afloat and completely relaxed.

"We're not even an hour in and I'm already having the time of my life." I smiled even though he couldn't see it.

"I'm glad. I'm having fun myself." His hand rubbed the small of my back. "How about we try the slides?" He stuck his knee out and I sat gently on it. My eyes met his and I nodded.

"Let's do it." We both got out of the pool and started walking toward the colorful slides. Water dripped down my smooth leg and onto the tiled floor. I felt daring so I grabbed his hand and looked up at Sean. His thumb rubbed my own.

"We have to grab a tube. Preferable a double one so we both can sit together." We walked over to the tube pile and collected a double tube like he said.

The line was short, which I was grateful for. We both reached the front, giddy as ever. We were both children in adult bodies. The two of us agreed to ride the blue one, which was the fastest in the park. Might as well go big, right?

"Hey, guys. Hands and feet in the tube at all times, please. Have a nice ride!" The slide instructor told us. We both thanked her and climbed into the tube after it was in place.

Jack sat in the back, and I sat in the front. His legs were resting on the sides of the tube beside where I was sitting. I hung into the handles with my hands. My fingers wrapped around them tightly.

"You ready?" Jack asked me as I turned around to look into his blue, ocean colored eyes. I nodded and smiled, showing my teeth. Before I knew it, I was sliding down the tube.

Water splashed in my face while the tube sped down the slide. I heard my scream mixed with Jack's laughter all the way down. I let go of the handles and let my arms loose while they flapped in the air. I couldn't stop laughing while adrenaline pumped throughout my veins, making the experience so much better. The slide we were on was dark and you couldn't see much. All I saw was the slight hit of light coming from the opening at the bottom. The blue colored walls enclosed us. Nothing could match the thrill I was experiencing right now. The inner child in me was let loose and wasn't going to be put away any time soon.

The now dripping-wet tube was sitting in a pool. Both Jack and I got up and pulled the tube to the ledge. Smiles were plastered on our faces from the fun we were having. Again and again we slid down every slide the park had to offer. Any color you could imagine was present at this park.

"We should dry off and pack up. The park is going to close soon." Sean informed me when we put our tube away. I nodded and we made our way back to the table we originally set our belongings down. I dried my entire body until the water was soaked up into the white and baby-blue striped towel.

I didn't want this to end. This was one of the most relaxing days I've had in awhile.

But every good thing has an end.

"Hey, old friends." A familiar voice burned my ears. I turned around and saw the one person who could ruin this day.


Hey guys! How's it going?

This chapter was meant to ease down the craziness that has been happening. But, since I'm a weird-butt author I decided to put in another cliff-hanger. It's my specialty.

Who's been to a water park or wants to go to one? (Both for me :3)

Anyway, hope everything has been going good for you today! Have a nice day / night.


P.S. Who reads my author's notes?? (:

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