{Chapter 14 - Who Are You?}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

I stepped out of the guest room and into the hallway. I pulled the door with my hand and heard the click sound, signaling it was closed. I made my way to my recording room down the hall.

I walked in and sat on the chair near the couch. On the couch, Mark was laying there peacefully. His eyes were closed shut and his hands were set neatly on his stomach. I could see where the couch dipped when he laid there. Mark's face looked normal. Something I was not.

I rubbed my face with my hands and thought about what I just did. What's wrong with me? I kidnapped a girl and now I kiss her and basically tell her I'm head over heals for her. I'm totally going to hell for this. I started sobbing.

I lifted my head from my hands and looked over to where Septiceye Sam and Tiny Box Tim used to sit. I smiled thinking about Addison liking them. She was a fan after all so I think she'll enjoy them at least a small bit. I sighed thinking about all the possibilities. I'm catching feelings for this girl but I don't want to stop the torture that is being given to her. I'm such a sicko.

I rolled my chair over to my desk and turned on my computer. My mind thought of the person who apparently knows I have Addison here against her will. I immediately tapped my fingers on the keyboard, pulling up my tumblr page.

I clicked on my private messages and saw 'robiplier' messaged me back. My pulse was racing when I began to read.

robiplier: You don't need to know who I am. You can call me Robert. Just know that I know your dirty little secret. All I have to do is post it on here. I have 1,000 followers on here so it'll get around.

therealjacksepticeye: I don't know what you're talking about, but no one will believe you. My community knows me too well and will side with me. Please stop contacting me if you're going to make up this lie.

In my heart I knew he wasn't lying. I rested my head on the wall where my desk was next to. Chill were sent through my body. This Robert guy might bust me.

Robert? Why does that name sound so familiar? I reached for Addison's phone in my desk drawer. I hid it there when I first carried her here. I pressed down on the power button, taking it out of sleep mode.

I slid my finger across the screen and unlocked it. Text messages started piling in. Most of them were from a guy named Robert and her father. I read the texts from Robert. They were mostly on some messenger.

Robert;^) : Addy??! I haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay??

Robert;^) : I'm getting worried. I'll call the cops if you don't answer.

Robert;^) : I need you to answer. Please. Are you mad at me or something?

Robert;^) : I asked your dad where you were he said he hasn't seen you since you left home. You left and didn't tell me? We're best friend Addison. Just call me.

I felt guilty but something had to be done. My fingers danced across the smooth touch screen. I typed a message that looked like it was from Addison.

•Addy•: Robert, I'm doing okay. I just needed to get away for awhile. I'm sorry I haven't told you. I just couldn't. You'd hold me back. Just know I'm good and leave me alone for awhile. I need some time.

I pressed send and hoped it would do the trick.
I sighed and turned back to my computer. I started uploading a new video. It's been hard to keep track of Addy and keep up with YouTube. I groaned in frustration.

I didn't have anymore editing to do so I read some comments on my latest upload. Fear arose in my body when some of them hit my eyes.

markismydaddy6969: uh Jack?! Do you know where Mark has been? He missed an upload!

SepticeyeBabe: where has mark been today?

So many comments said something about Mark and his absence. I have been on his computer, uploading stored videos. Recently, he ran out so I started to panic. I missed an upload on his channel and I felt really bad.

I decided to make something up. I took out my vlogging camera and turned it on. I sighed in relief when I saw the battery indicator was full. I picked it up and started to vlog. It was unusual for me to have the camera like this.

I started my introduction. "Wapoosh, wapoosh!, Top of the mornin' to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye and welcome to something a little bit different than usual. I'm vlogging! And the camera is in my hand instead of on the tripod so, excuse me if I mess up!" I laughed and tried to sound happy and energetic. It's exactly what I didn't feel at the moment.

I walked around my recording room saying some updates and what's been new. I walked over to Mark and showed the camera he was "asleep." I started to make up some lie about him.

"So, Mark has been sick lately. He's asleep right now," I made a shushing sound, "he feels awful about missing an upload. He's been uploading past made videos to keep up." I kept talking about how he's been suffering and sleeping all the time.

I added some more rambling to the vlog and ended it with my outro. "If you liked it, punch that like button in the face, like a boss! And high fives all around. Wapoosh, wapoosh! And I'll see all you dudes in the next video!" My voice sounded high pitched at the end. I turned off my camera and put the footage into a folder. I'll edit that later.

Mark made an audible groan and started to rise from the couch. He looked confused and searched the room. His eyes looked dreary and dilated. He spoke when they landed on me.

"Who are you?" He asked me. I gave him a weird look. My blood ran cold.

"Mark? What are you talking about? It's Jack." His face indicated he was thinking. What does he mean who am I? I've known him for awhile now.

"Who is Mark? And who is Jack? Do I know them or something?" His voice didn't sound the same. It wasn't as energetic and joyful. Reasoning hit me like a truck.

He doesn't remember anything.

Now I have two things on my plate.

A/N: ugh I feel like this story is going no where.


Anyway, thanks for reading :D

Love you guys.

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