{Chapter 11 - We're in This Together}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

Fear /ˈfir/ noun:
an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat.

Fear was something I was feeling throughout the day I've been here. My body was shaking at the thought of being held here against my will. I thought about Robert. He's been my support system, along with Jack. The Jack in real life was excluded from this.

{Addison's Flashback}

I looked at my mother for permission. I ran into my new home, my six year old eyes filled with wonder and imagination. It looked so big compared to my small, fragile body.

My laughter, which was filled with joy, filled the room. I looked back at the door. My mouth formed a smile when I saw my parents holding hands with smiles on their faces as well.

"Hey, Addy." My father called me by my nickname. I waved at him with the biggest grin a child could give.

"Addison, we have neighbors with a boy your age. I baked some brownies so you could give them a gift. Go on over. We'll be behind you, waiting." Mom said to me. She flashed me a smile with her perfectly white teeth. Mother handed me a plate of her famous brownies. I was tempted to grab one and eat it on the way over. I always had a large appetite for a kid my age. They must have read my mind.

"No eating them on the way over." My dad chuckled.

I stepped out of the brand new house. My light up shoes flashing with every step. The porch had three steps leading to the walkway. I followed the walkway to the street. I jogged with the brownies in my hand. I was careful not to drop the delectable dessert.

My small legs made their way up to their front door. I turned my head with a look of nervousness and saw mom and dad behind me. My mother gave me a thumbs up and a reassuring smile.

I stood on my tippy toes and used my index finger to press the small doorbell button. A tall man opened the door and greeted me. He looked confused until he saw my parents at the end of the driveway.

"Hey there, darling. What can I do for you?" He gave me a genuine smile.

"Hi, mister! I'm Addison and I am now living there!" I said proudly while pointing to our new house just next door.

"Oh! Welcome to the neighborhood. One second, I'll call my son and my wife. My son's name is Robert. He's six." He looked into his living quarters.

I smiled and said, "Oh, goodie. I am six too!" I replied with happiness laced into my voice. Someone my age means we could have play dates.

He grinned and a hint of joy popped into his eyes. "Robert," he called, "there's someone I'd like you to meet!"

I heard heavy footsteps come down the stairs inside. A smiley boy arrived next to his proud father.

"Robert, this is Addison. Addison, this is Robert." He introduced us to each other. Robert stepped out into the porch.

"Nice to meet you, Addison." He greeted me. Before I could answer, he took a brownie off the plate. He gulped it down in three bites and grabbed another.

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