{Chapter 9 - Markimoo}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

I could practically feel my heart pounding in my chest. When did Mark get here? He probably flew on a plane, obviously, but that was beside the point I'm trying to make. He lives in the Americas which is a long haul to here. Usually he would let me know if he was coming to visit. We'd plan some activities to do so his time here wasn't a waste. I'd set aside some time in my schedule for YouTube to record with him. More importantly, Addison is in my guest room. That's where he would stay and have some privacy. I almost threw up at that thought. Mark would most likely find her.

"I just got in from the airport. Sorry, I didn't call ahead of time man. I wanted to surprise you so, surprise!" He exclaimed. Something told me it had to do with him being worried about me. I wish I could have prevented his from happening. My mind went over options to get out of this predicament. The air in my home suddenly went cold. Goosebumps lined my skin. My mind was at a million thoughts a minute.

I tried not to stutter. "Thanks, Mark! It's awesome you're here. I always love seeing you." I put on the best fake smile I could after chuckling. His eyes told me that it was convincing enough.

"Can I come in? Do you mind?" His voice sounded guilty for not telling me ahead of time. He was holding a suitcase in one hand and a coffee in the other. I nodded so I wouldn't be rude. He smiled slightly and walked into my apartment living room.

"I don't have to stay here if you don't want me to, Jack. I have a hotel down the road that I can go to." Mark offered.

"I don't mind, I guess. Make yourself at home. Just give me a second." I replied and he nodded. I ran my hand through my green hair while he sat down on the couch sitting in my living room.

I quickly walked down the hall, hearing a creaking sound every time I took a step closer to the guest room. I opened the door with my shaky and clammy hand. I whipped my body around the door and saw a sleeping Addison. I walked over to her sleeping body.

"Get up." I simply whispered to her. I shook her petite shoulder gently but hard enough to wake her. Before she arose from her slumber, I saw a giant red mark on her face. I frowned because I did that. It had to be done.

She shook in shock when she saw my face. I felt her whole body slightly shake under my grasp. Fear was plastered in her eyes. I smirked at the look she was giving me. She knew I was always in charge. I smirk a lot, yes I know. I can't help this feeling.

A audible groan in annoyance left her mouth and entered my ears. "What do you want now, your highness?" She asked with sarcasm and fake joy laced in her voice. I rolled my eyes.

"You will not speak or scream or make any audible noise from now on. If you do, you can say goodbye to your art portfolio, supplies, currency, pictures of your dead mother, jewelry, clothing, electronics and whatever else is in that duffle bag. Everything you own is in there right?" She nodded after my response to her question. She didn't speak after that, probably afraid to make a peep.

I started whispering again so Mark wouldn't hear me. "I know your dad hurt you in many ways but if you don't do what you are told he won't see the light of day." I growled, trying to sound intimidating. I knew she stilled loved him even if he did put her through hell and didn't want to be an orphan. I could just tell she never wanted anyone innocent to be hurt because of her actions. Pretty attractive if you asked me.

Addison started whimpering silently as she looked at the floor in despair. I kicked her in the side as hard as I could, pretending she was a small sports ball. She started to shriek in pain but suddenly stopped. I laughed because she was following directions. I knelt down beside her shriveled up body. I put my face near her ear.

"Good girl." I blurted out while kissing her cheek. She flinched away at the contact of my lips on her cheek. Addison pulled away as quickly as she possibly could. I chucked at the thought of her being mine. She'll be all mine I'm sure. I was developing feelings for my 'prisoner.' I shrugged it off. I couldn't have these feelings. I'd feel to awful to hurt her like I planned to.

Her heart was breaking in front of me. She looked up to me and I betrayed her. Whoops?

I shot her a look of warning before stepping out the room. I came up with an excuse to tell to Mark. I walked into the living room where I found Mark on his phone, tapping away at the screen.

"Hey Mark?" I tried to get his attention.

"What's up?" He responded to me. Mark's face looked up at me with a questionable look. His eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room.

"Uh, I don't know how to say this. Do you mind staying either in here or my recording room? There's a couch in there that's actually pretty comfortable. I feel super bad. I have uh storage in there at the moment and didn't clear it." I came up with that excuse. It wasn't too ridiculous.

"Sean it's all good. The couch here is fine. I'm only staying a few days then I'll be on my way back home." He smiled and looked grateful for what I was giving him. I started walking away but he stopped me.

"Jack. What was that shrieking noise?" He asked with confusion. I sucked in a breath.

Think fast, mate.

I turned my body toward him with confidence. "It's the neighbor across the hall. She's a nut case, Mark." I replied with humor in my voice.

He laughed and shook his head. "Heh, people are weird."

"You're weird, Mark!" Holding out the 'K' in his name. I chuckled. His face formed a warm smile.

I returned the smile and said, "Alright Markimoo. I'll be in my recording room if you need me." I winked before I left the room. I heard a small laugh come from Mark as I made my way to my recording room. I smiled in joy because I just pulled that off but a tad guilty because I just lied to a good friend. As I passed the guest room, I lightly tapped the door and chuckled loud enough for Addison to hear but not loud enough for Mark to hear.

I yawned since it was getting late, signally it was dark outside. I turned my computer on and started checking my social media. I went on Tumblr and started going on the Jacksepticeye tag. I reblogged and liked a few posts that stood out to me. I went to my private messages and read a few.

The hell?

My eyes went as big as saucers. My heart rate sped up. My stomach turned at the sight I was reading. Anger, fear and confusion made up my emotions. I squeezed my mouse as my eyes skimmed the words on the screen.

robiplier: I know you have her, Sean.

I replied but was scared to. I acted clueless.

therealjacksepticeye: Huh? What are you talking about?

I didn't get a message back for another few hours.

Double Updateeee yoooo. Hope you enjoyed guys!

Anything that needs to improve?

Mark POV coming next chapter. Seeyaaa friends :D


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