{Chaper 25 - Can I Stay With You?}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

My eyes opened and revealed a familiar but frightening place. I was laying on the ground, with my limbs tied so I couldn't move or struggle. I managed to sit my body up and look around. I suddenly developed dysphoria as my eyes scanned the details of the room around me.

The walls were in need of another coat of smoky gray paint. The floor was hard on my lower body. I felt my back starting to ache from my forced bad posture. A gloomy basement in the middle of Los Angeles was where I was being held against my will. I was back here again? Where's Mark?

I was interrupted in the middle of thinking. I heard an individual making their way down the steps and to me. It was none other than Jack.

His body language screamed psychotic but his eyes whispered broken.

"Hey there, Addison. Did you think you could escape from me?" His voice growled and echoed around the spacious room. Jack started to move closer to me.

"N-No. Please don't do this again." I begged for him to stop many times. What made me think this time would work?

"Again, I don't take orders from a filthy street rat like you." Jack was now inches from my face. "I am in charge around here!" His voice boomed throughout the room. Without giving me a warning or a chance to speak, he crashed his lips into mine with too much force. I refused to react to his lips moving with mine. I lightly sobbed into the kiss while he was clearly enjoying my pain.

This continued for hours upon hours. He would kiss me and then physically hurt me. Each blow to the face, torso, lower body or anywhere else he could hit stung and made me want to pass out. The repeated punches and pain was too unbearable for me to handle. This situation with Sean was more serious than with my father.

I screamed for Mark.

But Jack wouldn't leave.

"Goodnight, Princess." Jack shushed me by delivering one last blow to the head.


I woke up to a sudden stoppage of movement and the sound of a car horn honking. I gasped and then realized that it was all my imagination. I'm still with Mark. The noise made me awake from my dream. Mark's voice hit my ears as the car horn blared.

"It's called a blinker, you prick! God, I hate people." He slammed his hands down on the steering wheel, making a loud thump.

"A little mad, are we now?" I groggily asked him while sitting up. I rubbed my eyes with my hands so I could see clearly. I saw his eyes travel to the mirror above him and look at me.

Mark let out a light chuckle as he processed what I asked him. His teeth practically sparkled when he smiled. "People can be idiots sometimes." Mark kept his eyes on the road.

"I guess that's very true." I nodded in agreement. I faced my head toward the window and watched the objects pass me as we kept driving. It felt so good to be free.

"Addison?" Mark had a serious tone. I furrowed my eyebrows since I know he was going to ask something important.

"Yes, Mark?" My finger trailed my torn clothing. I touched every rip that was on my sweatpants. Memories of Jack slicing them with a sharp pocket knife to intimidate me flashed into my train of thought. I shook my head to attempt to focus on Mark. That's the only thing I could think to do.

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