{Chapter 4 - Home Doesn't Feel Like Home}

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*Trigger warning - domestic violence and an accident resulting in a death of a loved one. If you are triggered, do not read. I apologize*

-=Addison's Point of View=-
"Screw you!" I screamed, storming out of my living room holding the side of my face.

"Addison I'm so sorry, honey. I didn't mean it! I was just mad!" I heard the words of my father behind me, getting louder as he followed me. I shook my head with tears in my eyes. My vision was blurry as I grabbed clothing and necessary things from my room.

My face burned in the spot he punched. I could feel the bruise starting to form. This isn't the first time this has happened, but it will certainly be the last.

I looked in the mirror on my white dresser. My eyes were red and watery, along with my face being covered in tears shed for my pain and suffering. I touched my reflection in the glass. My eyes became angry and I punched the mirror, leaving it in pieces. I wiped the blood off my hand and onto the white dresser. I smirked because I knew that dresser would be ruined. I had bandages in my room for some reason. I wrapped it around my hand and then taped it. I had to clean it later.

My door was locked so my father couldn't get it. I heard him banging but he gave up after ten minutes. I could hear his muffled sobs from my room. I felt a pain in my heart.


I won't stay or feel sorry for him anymore. I've put up with this abuse for far too long. The word abuse echoed in my head. I cringed at the thought of being a victim of it. I've always wanted to be strong like my mother.

My mother passed away a few years ago. She was in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her. I don't drink often because of that reason. I miss her dearly. I clenched the ring she gave me a year before her passing. I missed her so much...she gave me strength and hope.

My dad lost sanity at that point. It's like he lost his mind when she died. He started drinking a lot more and brought home random women every night. He isn't my father I knew before our lives fell apart. He used to be loving and caring. Always had a positive vibe and acted like a father. Now, he was a polar opposite.

I know what you're thinking. My life is so cliché. It is but it hurts a lot. I keep myself out of depression so I don't feel like I'm a character in a book or a movie. I need to stay in the light so the darkness doesn't come and haunt me.

I grabbed as much of my things that I could. I planned to sneak back in and get the rest when I find a place to crash. For some reason I felt that would be hard.

"I can do it..." I said to myself. I kept trying to reassure myself. I walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone charger and my phone along with my headphones. I packed my laptop in it's case and grabbed whatever I could fit.

I won't stand here and lose my dignity anymore. I kept my door locked and closed because I knew he was still there sobbing. I whispered a goodbye.

"I won't stand here anymore and take your crap. I'm twenty and I think it's time for me to finally leave. I hope you figure your life out and get some help. It's been nice knowing you for the first part of my life. I hope Mom gives you the strength she gave me..." I trailed off because hot tears spilled down my face. I knew he heard me because his cries grew louder and he yelled apologies. I turned my back to my door and headed to the window.

I didn't look back as I opened the window. I could smell and feel freedom. I sighed as I swung my duffle bag out the window and down the ground below. I lifted my body over the windowsill and landed on my feet.

Home didn't feel like home anymore.

I was free. I could get my life on track. I attended an online college so I didn't have to worry about that at the moment. I was planning on enrolling in a regular college but that had to wait.

I thought about what I could do for money. I needed a real job so I could sustain living on my own. I reached into my pocket and looked at the 500 dollars I took from my piggy bank. This won't last long.

I walked out of my driveway and to the bus stop. I got on and sat down. I felt someone staring at me. I didn't like the feeling. I kept looking out the window to get my mind off of it. I pulled out my phone and saw Jack posted a video. I smiled at the notification. I have something to look forward to.

I saw I had a message on Tumblr. I opened the app and saw it was Sean who replied. I almost screamed on the bus but I held it in. I read the message he sent and smiled.

He thought I had talent! He appreciated me and my work. I didn't feel the urge to cry anymore. It was replaced with a smile. I sent a message back saying:

Addison: OMG! Thanks, Sean! It means a lot you have no idea...it's been rough but this made me smile. Thank you so sooooooo much. :3 have a nice day.

I pressed send and looked at my other social media. Wait a minute...

Jacksepticeye requested to follow you on Instagram.

I hit accept right away without even thinking. I couldn't believe my eyes.

"No way..." I whispered to myself. My idol knows my existence. I shook my head in disbelief. Is this perfect or is this perfect?

When I reached the city where I lived in Ireland, I got off. I headed for the nearest coffee shop. I felt a presence following me. I kept walking faster toward the coffee shop. I cringed as I wondered who it could be.

Hey guys! Hope you are enjoying the story.

Are ya?

Anyway, things will pick up and the plot will thicken soon enough!

Thanks for reading <3

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