{Chapter 33 - Hot}

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*Mild smut warning. Just wait for it.*

-=Addison's Point of View=-

The humid and rainy air of Ireland met my skin when stepping off that dreaded airplane. My muscles felt immediate relief as I walked out the plane door. I was completely done with the awkward silence. Jack and I didn't talk much and when we did, it wasn't the most interesting thing. The small talk was so empty and had no meaning. It bothered me. I shook it off and kept my strides going down the ramp.

After the boring part of the airport, which included baggage claim and getting a taxi, the three of us were on our way back to Jack's apartment. I sat down in the back seat with Jack and Felix at both of my sides. Their bodies squashed me and caused me to sweat since body heat was a thing. Marzia sat comfortably in the passenger seat, whistling to a song playing on the radio. The beat bumped out out of the speakers at a fast rate. She won Rock Paper Scissors for the front seat. The four of us competed in a intense match but she came out on top. Her victory dance to the front door of the yellow taxi rubbed it even more into our faces.

"How's it going back there?" A female Italian voice asked us. Her sweet smile slowly turned into a sly smirk. The way Marzia looked at us was making me feel teased and mocked. I am so getting back at her. I went over my options of pranks I could pull. Maple syrup in her shampoo? Hide her favorite lipstick? Pretend Felix was murdered as we went for an ice cream cone? Apparently I could get away with a prank if I just say 'it's just a prank bro.' I cringed at my own thoughts. I feel like a thirteen year old trying to fit in with other middle schoolers.

"Just," Jack paused his sentence while shifting around in his seat to become comfortable, "great."

"It's a little snug, babe." Felix looked at Marzia. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was planning something to do on Marzia.

Both Jack and I nodded in agreement. I tried to look out the car door window to think about things. My hazel eyes glanced out the rain-speckled window, drinking in the sight of the drops splattering on the grass below. The tips of the bright green grass sparkled when the natural sunlight reflected itself upon it. My hand slowly traced over the drops that have slid down the glass.

My mind thought about how things would be from now on. First thing I needed to do was find Robert. Gosh I haven't seen his face in so long. I could maybe invite him to Jack's house. He doesn't need to know about the whole situation that went down. They could be civil and get along. I'm hoping for the best in this situation. I know Robert might have an idea of what happened to me.

I turned my head to Jack. My head tilted backward so I could see him. Obviously he was taller than me. His green hair was the one thing that caught my eyes every time I glanced at him.

"Hey, Jack?" My words questioned.

"Yeah?" He simply responded while his beautiful deep blue eyes stared into my hazel ones.

"Do you think I could invite a friend over to your apartment? I haven't seen him in awhile." I twiddled my thumbs around in a circular motion.

"Sure, I don't mind." He looked around at Felix and Marzia. "Do you guys?"

They both shook their heads, saying no. Relief washed over me since it wouldn't a huge deal. I relaxed into my seat as best as I could. My back started to form sweat from the body heat radiating off of Sean's body and onto mine. I yawned, signaling I was tired.

I closed my eyes and drifted into a light sleep. I wanted to skip this ride anyway.

{Time Skip}

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