{Chapter 42 - Ex's and Oh's}

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*Disclaimer: the person I am about to mention is a real life person. I do not think they are this way in real life. They are actually lovely from what I've seen so far. Some might disagree but just an FYI I just twisted their personality to make it more... Interesting. ;) So please don't criticize me. Positivity please.*

-=Sean's Point of View=-

"You have got to be kidding me." I blurted out after I stopped drying myself off with a towel. My stomach twisted into a knot while I had my eyes on her. She was dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. I was confused why she was in a water park dressed like that and why she was here in the first place. Last time I heard she was in the United States doing God knows what. My mind went blank so I just stood there with my mouth wide open. A chill ran over my back, causing goosebumps to appear on my arms. We were having such a nice day and now this has ruined all of the positivity.

This bitch.

Addison must have recognized her from social media pictures. She spoke before I could form a coherent sentence. "Signe? As in Jack's ex-girlfriend?" Addison stood there, awkwardly looking at Signe.

Let's look back on how the break up went, shall we?

{Sean's Flashback}

I entered my apartment with a suitcase in one hand and a hot coffee in the other. My keys that I held with my mouth were spit out onto the kitchen table. I felt tiredness creep on me, causing me to crave my own bed. Pax East was fun and I loved meeting my fans, but I don't sleep well in hotels. Something about being away from home brings more stress. I'm glad I could get home earlier than I expected. I found a flight earlier in the day.

"Signe! I'm home, honey!" I called out down the hall. I grabbed a stuffed bear dressed in a small Pax East shirt. I though it was adorable so I chose it along with a matching t-shirt Signe could wear as well. I ran my empty hand through my messy green hair and then back to my side. I didn't hear Signe call back or come to me. It was pretty late so I assume she's asleep. I dumped the rest of my coffee down the sink drain since it was cold.

I walked down the hallway so I could go into our bedroom. I let out a long but shallow yawn before twisting the cold doorknob. I walked in and looked around. The lights were off but things were on the floor and I could see them without a problem. Women's clothes and underwear were scattered around the bedroom floor along with... men's clothing? What the hell? These are not mine. I picked up a shirt that clearly wasn't my belonging. I looked around and noticed the same thing with the rest of the clothing.

My eyes snapped to the bed and noticed there were two figures laying down in each other's arms, sleeping soundly. Both had smiles on their faces. Confused and not having the ability to think straight since I was so worn down, I flipped the main light switch on.

Oh, hell to the no.

I dropped my gift I planned to give her. Both items hit the floor almost instantly. "Signe? What the hell? Who is he?" My voice boomed throughout the small room. In front of me was Signe, naked, laying in my bed with another man. Let's note he was naked as well. I shivered in disbelief and disgust. Anger was felt above everything. She just cheated on me. I felt like I was about to pass out. I slammed my fists on the wall, unsure what to do with myself.

Signe and this mystery man, who I've never seen before, both jolted awake after hearing my screaming and banging. "Sean? Oh, uh, I can explain. This isn't what it looks like, right? Yeah! Right." She covered herself up with the blanket.

"It looks like you just cheated on me with this scumbag." I growled at her while looking at the man in my bed. I hands formed fists until my knuckles turned white.

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