{Chapter 6 - Defeated}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

I was panting as I moved quicker towards town. There was a presence behind me. I looked back for a moment and instantly regretted it.

As my head whipped around, I saw a man following me. He was fast walking to keep up with me. My heart was pounding in my chest. I'm surprised it didn't jump out of my chest. I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek and into my sweatshirt.

The man was getting closer to me and I finally stopped. "Please! Just leave me alone," I pleaded, "if you want money, take it. Just don't come near me I'm beg-" I was stopped short with the sight of green hair.


He spoke, "Uh, m'am you dropped this on the bus." He said while handing me my bracelet. It must have fallen off.

I couldn't find the courage to speak. My idol is standing right in front of me, handing me my belonging I dropped. He gave me a confused look. He noticed I wasn't talking. I was too stunned.

I kept my cool. Calm, cool and collected. I finally spoke and said, "I'm s-sorry. I though you were going to hurt me. I'm just a huge fan, Jack. B-been a fan for awhile." I chuckled. I thanked him for giving me my bracelet. I clipped it on my wrist where it belonged.

He smiled and asked, "Do you want to take a selfie?" My smile went from ear to ear when he asked. I took my phone out and snapped a photo of us. He opened his eyes wide and smiled. I looked happy and my eyes didn't seem as drained as they usually were.

"Thank you," I told him, "My name is Addison. You recently followed me on some social media. I wanted to personally thank you." I planned on posting the selfie everywhere on my social media. I couldn't wait.

He laughed. "Oh my goodness! I knew you looked familiar. Thank you for all your art you make me. It's truly incredible, Addison." He took a piece of my hair and wrapped it around my ear. I blushed but thought it was a smidge creepy. When his Irish accent hit my hears, it felt like heaven. I've always heard him through headphones. Now I could hear in person.

"Um I-," I stuttered, "It's really nice meeting you." I didn't know what else to say. He chuckled, noticing my awkwardness.

"Do I make you uncomfortable?" He ask in a deep, dark voice. My heart pounded in my chest. His tone started making me uncomfortable. This isn't how I thought meeting him would go. He was looking straight through me with his blue eyes. They looked sinister and not the happy, goofy Jack I know and love.

"N-no," I managed to get out, "you do not."

His chuckle made me cringe. I stared at my feet, not wanting to catch a glimpse of this side of Sean I've never seen.

"You should be," he added, "because I've been a little....lonely. I need some company."

I looked at him with a confused face. Why should that make me uncomfortable? I would gladly help him. I felt alone also and I needed someone to talk to.

I looked at him with sad eyes and told him, "I feel the same way at the moment. I just m-moved out of my house because of r-reasons." I  felt a tear roll out of my eye. His eyes softened for a moment but then hardened right after.

"We could talk at the coffee shop down the road." He told me.

I smiled because I've always wanted to have a conversation with him. "Sure," I replied, "I would like that very much."

He smirked and started walking towards the local coffee shop. I followed his lead with a duffle bag around my arm.

We entered a small coffee shop called, "The Irish Cup of Coffee." Sean walked to the table for two and sat down. He smiled when I followed. The table was very clean and the seat had padding in it. Let's just say it was a very pleasant experience.

He got up to get us both a drink. He asked me what I wanted. "A regular coffee with two creams and two sugars. I need some caffeine." I said while rubbing my eyes. I took my wallet out of my bag to give him some money to pay for mine.

"No," he refused, "I got it. Don't worry about it." He walked away before I could argue. I instantly felt bad but grateful that he'd pay. I really needed to save my money.

He walked back after putting the creams and sugars in my coffee. Jack had two coffees in his hand. He handed me mine with a bright smile. It's like he accomplished somethings. "Weird." I thought to myself. He sipped his drink and I did the same. It tasted great on my tongue. As the want liquid went down to my stomach, I looked up at his pale face.

"So. What's on your mind, pumpkin?" He asked. Pumpkin. I shifted in my seat since that nickname made me cringe. I seriously was getting a creepy vide from my idol.

"Uh," I started, "My mother passed away a couple years back. My father just lost it after. He couldn't handle the fact she wasn't with us anymore. My dad was a good father before the incident. We were very close. H-he... Hit me. A few times over the last few months. Woman I didn't know coming home left and right. He just isn't the same." I started full out crying. Pouring my crapped-on life out to this man made me lose it. Saying it out loud made it hurt. The realization hit me like a truck. I then explained to him my housing situation. Or at least the lack of a housing situation.

I could see the people staring at me. Some gave me dirty looks while other looked sorry for me. I don't need their pity. I wanted to get out of here.

Sean got out of his seat and took my hand. He led me out the door and behind the building. The wind hit my skin as we walked around the coffee shop. He hugged me and I melted into his figure. His arms felt like a blanket, wrapping around my body. My tears soaked his shirt. I hope he didn't mind.

"I am so sorry," he said, "I know a way to make you feel better, Addison. You'll see." He chuckled.

I looked up at him with my head turned in confusion and the next thing I knew I was on the ground with a pain in my head. I felt woozy with my back on the ground. I felt Sean take my duffle bag off my body.

I couldn't open my eyes. I felt defeated. What was put in my coffee?

Yo! Wassup my bosses.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Have a nice weekend! (It's a Friday when I'm updating this).

See all you dudes later:)

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