Chapter Thirteen

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Baekhyun's fingers were becoming filled with cramps as he moved the mouse on Chanyeol's laptop around, but he was so submerged in perfecting the poster that he hardly noticed the pain anymore. He and his friends had already started one for both Kyungsoo and Jongin and then one with both of them on it, but since Chanyeol seduced Baekhyun into coming over to his house, he figured it would be more than a good time to finish up Jongin's. He got all the information like his height, weight, age, and last time he was seen from Chanyeol, as well as a recent photo of him. He went to work almost as soon as he got to Chanyeol's house and logged on to his computer. He didn't know how much a piece of paper on some random wall would help, but it definitely beat sitting around and letting his guilt consume him.

The brown-haired boy sighed in exhaustion and sat back in the chair, cracking his fingers as they cramp pain attacked his nerves. He observed his work on the computer screen in front of him to see if he was missing any key information like a contact number, but instead, he found a spelling error and immediately leaned forward again to correct it. As he was doing so, Chanyeol walked back into his bedroom from taking a shower, completely naked excluding the towel that resided around his waist.

"You're still working on that?" he said, his eyes glancing at his laptop as he made his way over to his dresser for clothes.

"Yeah," Baekhyun said before sitting back in the chair again. "If we want to help them, we have to make sure we get these up right away."

"You really think a few pieces of paper will help?" the taller said doubtfully, sliding on a pair of sweatpants under his towel. "I mean, I'm not trying to be a downer, but if their kidnappers happen to see them, then I'm willing to bet they'll just tear them down."

"Maybe they will, but we have to try at least," Baekhyun said, spinning the chair around so that he could see Chanyeol, who was pulling out a t-shirt from another drawer. He paused for a moment when he saw Baekhyun sigh in guilt and look down in his lap. "Especially after what I did to Kyungsoo," he added with his head still hanging low, "I have to try to help him." He lifted his head and eyes up and met them with Chanyeol's face. "I owe him that." As Baekhyun turned back around in the chair, Chanyeol exhaled. He then ripped off his towel laid it on the bed, sliding the t-shirt he picked over his head next. He plopped on the bed with the towel with a light groan and maneuvered until he was laying on his stomach.

"How'd you two become so close anyway?" he asked Baekhyun, who spun back around at the sound of his voice.

"Me and Kyungsoo?" he replied. Chanyeol nodded as he propped his head on his hands. The elder let out another distraught sigh as he thought back to the day he first encountered Kyungsoo. "We were in grade 10, I think, and I had seen him around before, but I noticed that he never really talked to people or socialized," he explained. "So, I, being the socialite I am, just went up to him and introduced myself. I didn't expect us to become best friends because I didn't think I could be friends with such a quiet person, but we did." A smile spread across his face as the memories came back. "He started laughing and smiling a lot more after that and that made me feel really happy because I knew I was the one who did that. He was like for the rest of 10th grade and about half of 11th, but after that, he just stopped. He closed up again and I had no idea why. I still don't. He didn't want anyone touching him for months and he refused to leave his house on the weekends. It was like he was scared of something, but I never had the heart to ask him what. It felt like an invasion of privacy."

Chanyeol hummed and nodded. "Maybe it was something at home," he suggested. 

"Maybe..." Baekhyun's voice trailed off. "But whatever, all that matters now is finding him and Jongin before it's too late."

"Right," Chanyeol said with another nod of his head. After Baekhyun was done putting the finishing touches on the poster, he asked Chanyeol where he could print them and the younger pointed him in the direction of his dad's office. He decided to turn on his T.V. while Baekhyun was fetching the posters and he stopped when he found the news channel.

"In other news," the news anchor said in a voice that Chanyeol always found to be obnoxious, "Almost a month after their disappearance, the Seoul police are still searching for the two teenage boys that mysteriously went missing." Chanyeol's ears and head perked up and Baekhyun happened to walk in at that moment. Chanyeol didn't even have to look him to get his eyes on the small flat screen. "Do Kyungsoo, 18, and Kim Jongin, 18 as well, both went missing from their Seoul homes nearly a month ago. Detectives say that Do disappeared as he was walking home late on Sunday night and that Kim vanished on early Monday morning, after an argument with his father."

"We are almost positive that they didn't run away," Donghae said, "so we can only assume that they have been kidnapped. We are spending our every waking minute searching for their whereabouts and we won't give up until they are returned to their families safe and sound."

"There have been no new breaks in the case, but we will keep our viewers posted as this case continues. Any information on the location of Do Kyungsoo or Kim Jongin is helpful, and anyone who thinks they may have new information can contact the Seoul Police Station." 


Jongin was still sleeping on the ground, his head buried into the pillow while the blanket lazily covered his body. Kyungsoo was sitting against the stone wall, the wire piece laying at his side after being used. The thought that they had nearly been locked away for a month made Kyungsoo even less hopeful of their return home. If it was money they wanted, he knew their price wouldn't be low. At this point, at least to Kyungsoo, death looked like their only ride out of that basement.

Jongin groaned and stirred a bit as he woke up, propping his body up before looking around. He smiled sleepily for a second when he saw Kyungsoo and sat up. "Hey," he said as he stretched his arms out to the side. "What I'd miss?"

"Not much," Kyungsoo replied, earning a tiny chuckle from Jongin as he rubbed his eyes. "A plane passed over us. It was really loud." Jongin, without knowing how he could do so, was able to tell from the tone of Kyungsoo's voice that something was bothering him.

"What's going on?" he asked as he moved closer to him and looked at his still face. "You don't sound okay."

"And you are?" he said in reply, eyes moving toward Jongin. "It's almost been a month since we've been here, Jongin." He turned his head away when tears stung his eyes. "We're never gonna get out of here."

"Hey," Jongin said, pulling Kyungsoo into his arms just in time for his shirt to catch falling tears from his eyes. "You can't say that," he said as he rubbed Kyungsoo's back gently and slowly. "Your family is probably worried sick about you right now, not to mention your brother. They're doing everything they can to get you back, so you shouldn't give up on them."

Kyungsoo sniffled and pulled back from Jongin. "Why only me?" he asked. "Don't you think your dad is looking for you?"

Jongin sighed and looked down, keeping an arm around Kyungsoo's waist. "I doubt it," he said with a shake of his head. "All he cares about is money and the fact that that's probably what those guys want in exchange for my life won't work in my favor." He sighed again and looked at Kyungsoo. "He may be my dad," he said, gently pushing back some hair from his forehead, "but that doesn't mean he has to care." 

Kyungsoo didn't know what to say in response, so he just melted into Jongin's arms again as he continued to rub his back.

They didn't know if they would make it out of their predicament alive, but they were both thinking that no matter how they made it out, they would make it out together.


So, kind of a more sad filler chapter, but I honestly didn't know what else to write about because I don't want to write the smut quite yet. Definitely, in the next couple chapters it will be coming, though, so keep your eyes peeled! :)

Thanks to all of you that read this update and I hope you enjoyed it! I'll be back with more soon! <3

By the Will of Love (A KaiSoo Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now