8. Fight

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You woke up when you felt the side of the bed cold. After a deep sigh you got up and checked your phone. You had 5 missed calls from your friend and text messages as well. You went wide eyed when you checked the time. You were almost an hour late for work. You got up immedietly and got ready in a hurry. You grabbed the pile of papers on the table and rushed out of the door to work.

Thomas stayed the night at the hospital with his friend so you had to get a taxi.

After hours of working you realised that you had accidently brought Thomas's script for his movie. You tried to call him up to tell him about the script but your phone died. Great. After work you decided to grab some snacks on your way home.

You arrived home and saw papers here and there in the house. "Thomas? What is all this?" You asked closing the door behind you. You were stressed from work but tried to stay calm with the mess you walked into. "I can't find my bloody script. I got sent back home from filming cause I lost the script. Have you seen it?" Thomas asks while searching through another drawer. You kept the pile of your papers on the table and took his script. "Here. I accidently took it with me" You said handing him the paper. Thomas snatches the script out of your hand and starts raising his voice. "You had it all this time and you didn't even tell me? How could you be so careless and put it in your work papers and you kept your phone off as well. I lost 3 scenes today cause I didn't have my script" Thomas takes a seat at the table and starts going through his script. You took your papers aside and tried to make some tea to change the atmosphere.

You made two cups of tea and kept the snacks on the table. You walked with two glasses of water to join Thomas at the table but unfortunately your feet hits on one of the table's legs spilling the water all over his script. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? YOU JUST RUINED MY SCRIPT!" Thomas gets up yelling and tries to dry the papers somehow. "I'm sorry. It was an accident. Here let me help" You took some tissues and tried to help him but he stops you. "NO. DON'T TOUCH IT. YOU DID ENOUGH TODAY. YOU TAKE IT  TO WORK AND I LOSE 3 SCENES OF FILMING AND NOW YOU POURED WATER ALL OVER IT. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU ARE SO BLOODY ANNOYING". You were in the brink of tears with his words. You backed up and went out of the apartment. You walked to a park a couple blocks away. You sat at a bench and started crying asking yourself what was wrong with you. You were feeling so bad for ruining his day. You knew he was stressed but you feel that you made it worse. Suddenly it starts to rain and making you cry harder. You were feeling cold since you left your coat at home. The rain stops pouring on you but you knew it was raining heavily with all the noise.

You looked upto see Thomas soaked wet in the rain holding an umbrella over your head. He sits down next to you and wraps a hand over your shoulders letting you cry. "Sshh.. I'm sorry love. I just overreacted. I was stressed out and I put it all out on you without thinking how your day was. I'm really sorry" He says while leaving soft kisses on your forhead. You looked up and smiled at him showing a sign that you had forgiven him. You both walked back home and just cuddled together with the sound of the rain.

Thomas Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now