33. Moving (part 24 of no.10)

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As the moving day keeps getting closer the weirder Tommy has been acting. "Are you okay?" I ask. "Yeah I'm okay" He would say before rushing off. Its as if he is frustrated of something. Confused? Scared of something I might find? "I'm almost done with the last box" I say taping the box together. No reply from Tommy.

"We got everything?" He asks as he puts down the last box into the truck. I nod as I slowly sway carrying the baby. It was not that far but I hated the ride. "Alright go inside. I'll take the boxes." He says.

"This is gonna take ages" Ava says as she tries to arrange the 5th box. "Why do you guys have so many stuff here? You don't even live here" She says. I giggle at her complains before answering. "Well most of them are gifts to the babies and also 2 of the boxes have party decorations. "Party decorations?" She asks frowning. "Well yeah. I'm thinking of throwing a small surprise party for him tomorrow night" I say arranging some books on the shelf. "And how are you gonna do that?" She asks. Well.. They finish work at 4 tomorrow so I will arrange everything up and text him saying I'm going out with you so when he comes home he will think that its all peaceful and stuff and I will surprise him" I say. "I'll help" Ava says.

The next morning Tommy left for work earlier than usual. I text the cast members about the plan and they offered to help with the decorations which is weird since they had work and doesn't seem to show if they are busy or not even. I shrug it off as I put the HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner. "Looks good" Says Kaya. "Kaya?? What are you doing here?" I ask giving her a hug. "Helping you.. Duh!" She says. We both giggle with her tone. After a few minutes the others are here as well. "Wait, don't you guys have work?" I ask confused. "Its a day off" Ki Hong says. "Where's Thomas?" Dylan asks. "Out" I give a simply reply as I had to the kitchen. I take out my phone and dials his number. No answer. I text him saying I was going to visit Ava with Kaya. Still no reply. I call up twice more. "Yeah?" He answers. Shortness in his breath. Muffled voices in the back. "Umm.. Can you get me a muffin?" I ask. "A muffin?? Right now? Really Y/n? Can't you get it yourself" He says before hanging up. A muffin? Really Y/n? I say to myself. That was weird of him. Sounds drunk too but who drinks at 4 in the evening??

"Alright everyone take your places. Y/n will be in the kitchen and we all are gonna be in the room. After she greets him first then we come out.Okay?" Ki Hong says the plan as we all get ready. I stand in the kitchen for a while. Nervous. But why though? The door opens and you slowly walk planning to surprise him but his actions was more surprising to you. He was making out with a girl. "Tommy" I say. He looks up to you. His grip still tight on her body. I start to tear up. I walk pass them to go out but Tommy stops you. "Y/n I'm sorry. Please wait!" He screams. His grip on my hand hurting me. "It hurts" I cry. "Let her go Thomas!" Says Dylan as they all come out from the room. "What the bloody hell is this?" He asks mad. "You! Get out" Says Kaya pointing at the random girl. "And Tommy let go from her hand" She says calmly. "Or what? Its my wife and leave my apartment now" He says sternly. The smell of alcohol strong on his breath. "Tom you are drunk" Dylan says as he walks towards him to let me go. "C'mon lets go" He says trying to drag him but instead he faints. "TOMMY!!" I scream. They put him down on the sofa. "He's just passed out. He will be fine in a while. Don't worry" Says Dylan. "I think the party is over. Thanks for coming. Its okay. I'm fine here" I say. "Oh honey, we are sorry that it didn't go well." Kaya says hugging me. They all leave giving me time to decide on what to do next.

I take the laptop and checks up on the first flight available to London. "Please baby, don't" I hear from behin me. Tommy must have sobered up a bit.

A/N: Thank you guys for enjoying this amd for the votes as well. Let me know how you guys think with this series so far in the comments. I'm sorry for not updating more often, I'm just too busy with some big project due in 2 weeks.

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