42. Divorce (part 34 to no.10)

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Thomas can't be getting a divorce. He won't let the boys be far from him. Oh no. Is he going to take the kids too? He's always angry now. I sit on the bed thinking when a crying Elliot runs into my room. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask worried. Since he is not yet fluent in speaking all the words all he said was Daddy. "He has gone out love." I say patting his back as he cries onto my shoulder. He must have seen a bad dream maybe.

Its 2 in the afternoon and I'm chilling with the boys while I go through my social media. There were pictures of Tommy getting into some building with another girl. She had her head down. Who is that? A knock on the door made the boys run in excitement. "Wait. Mommy is getting the door." I say calm as I greet Dylan. "I was about to call you." I try to say calm again but my voice cracks. I slowly walk into the kitchen to give Dylan a drink. He stops me as he asks what's going on. "I wish I knew too." I say. "YAAHH!!" Ethan screams as he hugs on Dylan's leg. "Heeeyy!! Buddy!! Can you give me sometime to talk with your mommy first?" He asks and Ethan nods his head as he runs to the living room. "Orange juice?" I ask. "Y/n, what's wrong?" He asks. "Dylan, I really don't know okay. Tommy is acting weird and I saw divorce papers." I say starting to tear up. He hugs me trying to make me calm.

Suddenly Dylan is pushed away from me with force. Tommy had his fists on Dylan's collar. "STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" He yells. "Dude, calm down. What's wrong with you?" Dylan asks calmly. Tommy storms off in anger. "Dylan please get him back home. Please. Please." I say starting to cry. The twins hid behind the couch crying. "Daddy." They say inbetween sobs. "He's just having a bad day." I say wiping off my tears.

"I heard everything." Says Kaya as she walks upto me. "Hello boys!" She greets the boys but they all have gotten moody and I'm trying to put them to sleep. Kaya starts to talk after they fell asleep. "He isn't getting a divorce from you." She says. "Then what is he upto?" I ask. "He's just trying to get himself out of the mess he has gotten himself into." She says. "Mess?" I ask. "Y/n, it's better if he explains everything to you than me." She says. "Dylan is with him." She says again.

After a few hours Tommy gets home. I sit on the bed staring at him. He sits next to me and starts to speak. "Y/n, I.. I'm really sorry.. I'm sorry I'm so distant from you guys. I'm not getting a divorce from you. I-" I stop him. "Who was she?" I ask. He looks confused but soon realized who I was talking about. "Oh.. My ex. Y/n, hear me out first. She always has tried to get inbetween us and I somehow fell for one of her traps. It only happened cause I was drunk at that time. I know that can't be a good reason but things went out of hand. I did see her a few times. Just to warn her to stay away from you and the boys. I don't know how but I somehow was married to her. She must have made me sign the papers when i was drunk. The pictures you found were real. No.. wait.. I think I was sober. I don't know. Either way that and that happened and she made lots of false stuff and I found out about those recently so I got a lawyer to fix all these. I was leaving home early and taking day offs from filming was to get enough evidence. I didn't want you to worry. I didn't want you get hurt. So I hid it from you." He finish speaking. "Tommy, I told you not to hide anything from me. I told you that we will go through everything together." I say tearing. Tommy hesitates to hug me thinking I would be mad but he embraces me in a hug after a while. "I know love. I know. Just a few more days and it will be done. I promise." He says.

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