my awakening

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for years verbal

abuse form


has made me

the way I am now.

the abuse was

always the same

form the same people

my dad

my grandparents

my sister

my "friends"

at the time

for years I

let them

abuse me

like this

for 14 years

this has been

going on .

should I have stopped them

when it first started ?

If I had stopped it

would everything

about me be different?

well after all the abuse

the real me has died

and the new one

is now awakening

the new version of me

they wont like

that I know for a fact

the awakening of the

new me has begun

I think you may want to

prepare for

the end of your life

well the end of your heart

the exact some thing you

have to done to me

I will be doing the same

to you but ten

times worse

karma is a bitch don't you think :)

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