Chapter 7

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~Flashback ~

"Phil? Where are you?"

"In here!" I shouted from the living room. She came from the walk in closet and stood in front of me. "Morning sunshine!" I said and she leaned in, waiting for her morning kiss. I kissed her forehead and she reciprocated.

"Where's my hot chocolate?" She asked, moving towards the kitchen. "Open your eyes wide, babe! It's right there on the counter..." I said, so busy with my work that I didn't take my eyes off my laptop.

"Hmm..." she gave a moan, but it was not a I - love - food moan. It was something else. I took a quick glance at her. She's not in her robe and she's dressed beautifully. She's even wearing make up. She's trying to get my attention...

She finished her hot chocolate and walked across me. Then she walked back across me. She continued this for about five times.

"Phillip, where's my iPod?"

I chuckled and said, "On the nightstand, babe. On my side..."

"Can you come here and help me find it?"

"Steph! Come on, it's right there! I'm busy..."

I heard an angry huff and grunt. She came back with the iPod. She sat opposite to me and plugged her ears on with the iPod. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. God, she's beautiful.

When she opened her eyes, I look into the laptop, pretending I never looked at her. She gave me a mean look before closing her eyes again.

Her phone rang from our room. I pulled her earplug and said, "Your phone!"

"Why? Can't you take it?"

"Steph! Don't play around! I'm busy!"

She huffed and went into our room to take the call.

After a few minutes, she came out of our room... A little furious. She stood in front of me.

"What now?" I asked, faking the irritation.

"Phillip, you are not even paying attention to me! You have your nose up this idiotic laptop from morning! What's wrong with you?!"

I closed the laptop and looked at her. She was tapping her foot and looking at me angrily. I wordlessly pulled her waist towards me and she fell on top of me. She squealed.

"I'm not paying attention to you?" I asked, nudging her cheek with my nose.

"Uh - huh..." she said, trying to keep her anger level high.

"Well, you are wearing a blue sundress with beautiful purple flowers all over it. The strap of the dress blends with the tip of your hair so beautifully that they look meant for each other. The fleets at the end are dancing in the air each time you move your leg, kissing your knees as you walk.

"You are wearing a light pink lip balm and mascara. You have the blue necklace that Ian gifted you on your neck. You used the new conditioner for your hair today. You didn't dry your hair properly, which I don't like, just to irritate me.

"You drank only half of the hot chocolate as you were angry that I didn't pay attention to you. You were listening to Taylor Swift on the iPod. The call was from Ian, who would have told you to show your anger at me when you showed it at him when he was on the phone with you. How right am I?"

She giggled and kissed me like crazy. "You like the dress?"

"I love the dress, hon. But I'd love it off too..."

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