Chapter 47

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When I thought Ian would be the Brutus to my Caesar earlier at the party, I didn't know how wrong I could be. The woman walking in on Penny's sweet calling is my Brutus. Leril Kennedy.

Or Elaine. Leril was probably just a foolproof name. And I am nothing but a darned fool. As she struts inside the room, my heart beat rushes to a halt as I hold it in a vice grip, like how a butcher holds the chicken before he brings his knife to its neck.

"Ah, sweetie, come hug your old Uncle!" Penny says as he opens his arms.

"What - Leril... She's your niece?! You didn't tell me about any of this!" Daniel chimes in furiously like he's more offended than shocked.

"Like enlightening you on this matters to me," Penny rolls his eyes. "Besides, I sent you there to be a pawn. What other pawns I have around him is none of your damn business. And mind my own bloody tongue, Elaine was not a pawn. She was the Queen. She is the Queen. My little princess, and the Queen of this game."

I switch my vision from Penny to Ler - Elaine. She has not looked once at this side of the room since she came in. Her body is facing Penny and her eyes focus only on him.

"Uncle, this wasn't my game. I didn't play at all," Elaine says.

"Don't deny it, child. You know this was all to avenge your mother. And this is not a proper matter for discussion when there are guests over here," he mockingly points at me. Elaine's chocolate brown eyes finally cast their vision on me, and she takes it as quickly as she cast it.

"Hello, Leril. Long time no see," I snarl at her.

"Lover boy, take your pretty little toy and put it to this idiot's head," Penny says.

"But - " Daniel says, only to be interrupted by Penny.

"Or do you want me to do the same to your mommy?"

That made Daniel obey. I didn't have to turn to see the gun pointed at my temple.

"That, you flimsy mouth, is for snarling at my precious. The next time you decide to speak something, think about the bullets that will be lodged in your head," Penny's eyebrow twitches as he threatens.

''Death doesn't fear me," I wanted to say, but getting in a piss off show with him is the least of my worries. Right now, all that matters to me is the things he's clearing for me and the life of him and his bloody partner ending as soon as possible.

"Oh good, the boy shuts up well," Penny mocks me again.

"So, as I was saying before I was rudely, and quite stupidly interrupted, this is Elaine; more commonly known by Leril Kennedy by you two. Ah, that name. I gotta say, that name is a damn masterpiece. Elaine dear, care to explain the smartness of your father when he picked that name?"

Leril glances at me once before looking down and saying, "Yes, Uncle. Leril Kennedy is an anagram of the word E. Killer Denny. I'm Killer Denny's daughter and my name is Elaine." The monotone that drips in her answer takes me a little aback. Was Elaine fully a part of this whole game?

How many times will you let yourself be prey to her facade, Phil? She's a good actor, that's all.

'But why does she have to act?' A corner of my mind muses, but Penny's rough voice interrupts yet again.

"So there you go. She's my sister's daughter Elaine and she reframed everything about her identity to become an Interpol officer. And all just for you. Just so that she can get her hands on this case. Quite some work, don't you think?

"I'm surprised though, Phillip. Why aren't you shocked? Why is there no reaction of your dumb face?" Penny ponders.

"Maybe because he never trusted her in the first place?" Daniel offers, and I see a galaxy of difference between the reactions of the uncle and niece. Penny stares sternly at Daniel while Elaine looks at me, her emotions seemingly shattered.

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