Chapter 11

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~The Letter~

To Our Dear Princess,

This is Mommy and Daddy writing. You are seven now and the fear has set in. The fear of losing you. You are the most important person in our whole life and we want to be with you forever. Well, if we are fortunate enough and it happens, you will never read this letter. But what can I say? Life is a bitch (I hope you never read this).

Okay, baby, the purpose of this letter is to reveal to you about us. Rodney and Jess, our friends (who you know nothing about and never will unless you read this letter) had a little boy like you. They lost him... Because they didn't tell him what he needed to know. We don't want to do the same mistake.

So, here it is...

Your mom is not an inn manager.

You daddy is not a cook.

We are Special Agents. We work for The FBI.

Well, not exactly under The FBI. We work in the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

We both have been working there since forever. As the name goes, Special Agents are also secret agents... As in, we are not to reveal our identities to anyone, not even our own kin. It seems like a pretty simple rule. But it's a bitch to deal with.

Your mom and dad met in the freshman year of college and it was love at first sight (We know, it's so cliche. You got your love for cliches from us, we're afraid) After college, we took our jobs and we pretty much aced it like pros. And then you were born.

After you were born, we both requested to retire from the job, but our contract was a long one. So we opted to go on very minimal cases.

Last week, when Rodney's son was kidnapped by the criminals who he was supposed to arrest, the fear set in. We are not going to be like him. We are not going to lose you.

As long as we are there with you, it is you before us. But if we are not there for you, we need you to be careful and non - ignorant about the potential threats out there for you.

So, we both decided to write you this letter. We will tell you about the cases we've been involved in. The people who have been put behind the bars by us.

Here's the list:

~ Tori Krull (Drug dealer famous amongst college kids. Single handedly running the business. We got her a long sentence, so I hope she wouldn't be of much trouble)

~ Raven Raven (Don't you laugh at the weird name. He's a very big dealer. He's the master of opium in Texas. Or used to be. We caught his whole team of five. There's no one left out in the open now.)

~ Killer Denny (Very true to his name. He's a very recent dealer we caught. He is very famous in the drug and mafia world and is a top grade secretive international dealer. He has deep connections and is very dangerous. We're actually working on his roots. Hope we'll be done soon)

~ Robbin Lundgren (An international dealer who pretty much supplies to the whole world. He is dead now, but he must have connections out in the open. There are no incidents to prove it yet, but we're still searching.)

Those are the very potential threats for you. If you want to know anything about this at all, just for your safety, contact Rodney Lawson at the number at the end of the letter.

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