Chapter 42

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*Ian's POV*

*Seven years ago*

"Dude, you have to take this! This is some of the most amazing shit I've ever had in my hands!" Sam said.

I often wonder why I even spend time with this guy. He is everything the society ever wants their son away from: drugs, peer pressure and recklessness. But there's something about him... He never cared about my feelings. There's been too much of that happening ever since Olives got admitted in the hospital and diagnosed to have been upgraded to some higher level of leukemia. Now, even after leukemia had eaten her alive and she's no more on Earth, everybody is treating me like a time bomb. Dad, Mom, Stephanie, Phillip, heck, even my class teachers always talk to me like I'm a fragile piece of shit. They 'care about my feelings'. That makes me feel like a fucking pussy. And I don't want to feel like one. So here I am, with the only person who doesn't give a flying fuck about my feelings. I feel so grateful for him.

Right now, I am at my house roof, smoking some traditional pot. I should probably feel like I'm flying, but honestly, I just feel blank. Is this what it feels like to be high? It's just like feeling sober, but my face feels tight.

"What the hell are you doing, Ian?" I hear a sweet voice. I turn to see Stephanie standing beside me. Her face is red and she has her hands on her hips. Why is she angry though?

"Steph, get inside. You are not supposed to be here. Let me be, Angel!" I whine, really wanting her to stay away from this dark solace.

"Sam Morgan, you are responsible for all this. Get the fuck out of my house before I report you," she says, paying no attention to me.

"Stephanie-" I begin but Sam cuts me off with a smirk.

"Your house? That's so hilarious. I agree, I am responsible for all this. I am responsible for making Ian 1% less miserable than he was. But will you agree that you are a pity case in this house? That you were taken in by the Cohen's as a burden and you don't belong in this family, like you think you are?" his voice laces with acid as he spits those venomous words out.

I don't see what Stephanie does. I just lurch on Sam and tackle him to the ground before aiming for his throat. "Don't you fucking dare talk about my sister like that! She's a member of my family! She's the angel of this house. She is My Angel. I will fucking kill you with my bare hands if you say one more word about her! Get the hell out of my house!"

He squirms under me but my grip is deathly. "Leave him, Ian. Let him get out soon," I hear Stephanie say. And so I loosen my grip.

We both stand up on the ground and brush our clothes. "Fine. I'll leave. It's not like I want to spend time with stuck up bitches like you two. But give me the packet before I leave."

I roll my eyes. Who needs his packet?

You do, Ian. You need it to forget Olives. A voice inside me spoke.

No, I don't. I don't want to be with this crackhead anymore. The sooner I give him his packet, the sooner he leaves out of my life. "It's in my drawer. Let me go get it."

Before I could take a step forward, Stephanie stopped me. "Are you two talking about heroin? That big packet that was in your first drawer? You gave that to my brother, Sam?"

Sam rolled his eyes. "Yes, I gave it to him. Keep up, dumbo. He said he wanted stronger stuff. So I gave a packet of heaven to him. And now I want it back because he's being a stuck up B."

God, why was I even with this knuckle head so long? I nudge Stephanie away and go to my room. When I opened my first drawer, it was empty. I proceed opening all my drawers and wardrobe, but the packet is missing.

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