Untitled (2/01/2016)

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They say everyone has ways to cope with anger.

But my anger is fuel to a rage that many don't want to see born. My anger can leave buildings ablaze, hearts crushed, lives ruined. My anger gives a dangerous fire to my aura that makes people afraid to know who I really am. It is apart of that fire that is my soul. My heart set ablaze, ready to thaw the ice in my veins.

They say everyone has a way to cope with anger,

Well what's yours? Is it the bottle? The knife? The jay? Do you shoot up and let the pain melt away? Or do you sniff and snort and roll a spliff to make anger just a small rift in your mind? Maybe it is fighting, maybe you let your rage fly through your fists, maybe it's healthy and you direct it to sports. Keep it calm, keep most safe. Or maybe you're like me, the pain is stained ink on the page, given in the form of lyrics, the form of free flowing poetry to hide, hold and grow bold.

That that can't be written down just bottled up. Sealed tighter than the presidential bunker at def con 5. Waiting for you to break that glass bottle and release everything someway or somehow.

That that calms you in those times, your music. That that keeps you from murdering your future by doing something irreparable. Inseparable, irreversible. No break. No smile, no laugh. Yet that fire in your eyes, that fire in your soul burns brighter than ever, even with the ice in your veins. No sympathy, no empathy. Pure rage.

So yes, I may have found my ways to cope with my anger. It fuels the fire in my heart, in my soul. It gives way to put my blood on these pages. It keeps me from shedding tears. Keeps my heart to cold to break. But it also causes me to be me. The kid you see in the hoodie. The music enthusiast, the kid with the deep heart with loyalty to those who deserve it most.

But in the end, all that's left is me, myself, and I. Got my fire in the heart, got that fuel in my soul. Burn bright. Let the flames be free. Just gotta be me.


-Me, Myself and I ~G-Eazy
-Be Free ~J. Cole

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